- Frontend: REACT, Tailwindcss and TS
- Backend: FastAPI and Python
- Database: browser Session Storage
- Grace Billiris (13925894)
- Roshel Gonzales (13883931)
- Kieren Karanjia (13912795)
- Stephen Brown (13934551)
- Chun bong Ip (13799616)
- Henry Goodman (13032204)
- Srujan Kaukuntla (13928229)
The following are required to bootstrap all other dependencies./
- node >16
- npm
- Python3.11
- Execute any of these commands within the
cd server
(Optional) Create a Python Virtual Environment
python3 -mvenv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run the server in watch mode
uvicorn src.main:app --reload
ornpm run server
- Execute any of these commands within the
cd client
Install dependencies
npm install
Build and run the client (Recommended)
npm run build && npm run start
Install all dependencies (both ends)
npm run install-all
Run both the frontend app and backend server concurrently (execute in root directory)
npm run dev
e.g. john/style-summarisation-button
- As a Reviewer, only leave comments, approvals or change requests - Let the PR creator administrate (e.g. merge, delete the branch) the PR.
- Each PR will require at least 2 approvals
- Pay attention to merge conflicts, they must be resovled before being merged.
- Leave comments for each function in regards to their purpose, and possibly an explanation of the process
- Don't be afraid to leave small notes and comments whilst developing