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RNA seq

xieguigang edited this page Oct 18, 2016 · 1 revision

title: RNA-seq tags: [maunal, tools] date: 7/27/2016 6:40:24 PM

GCModeller [version]

Module AssemblyName: file:///G:/GCModeller/manual/bin/RNA-seq.exe Root namespace: RNA_seq.CLI

All of the command that available in this program has been list below:

Function API Info
/Data.Frame Generates the data input for the DESeq2 R package.
/DataFrame.RPKMs Merges the RPKM csv data files.
/HT-seq Count raw reads for DESeq2 analysis.
/WGCNA Generates the cytoscape network model from WGCNA analysis.


Help for command '/Associate.GI':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 AssociateGI(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /Associate.GI /in <list.Csv.DIR> /gi <> [/out <out.DIR>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /Associate.GI 
Help for command '/Clustering':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 Clustering(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /Clustering /in <fq> /kmax <int> [/out <out.Csv>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /Clustering 
Help for command '/Co.Vector':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 CorrelatesVector(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /Co.Vector /in <co.Csv/DIR> [/min 0.01 /max 0.05 /out <out.csv>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /Co.Vector 
Help for command '/Contacts.Ref':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 Contacts(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /Contacts.Ref /in <in.fasta> /maps <maps.sam> [/out <out.DIR>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /Contacts.Ref 
Help for command '/Data.Frame':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 Df(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Information:  Generates the data input for the DESeq2 R package.
  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /Data.Frame /in <in.DIR> /ptt <genome.ptt> [/out out.csv]
  Example:      RNA-seq /Data.Frame 

Parameters information:

    Description:  A directory location which it contains the Ht-Seq raw count text files.

    Example:      /in ""

Accepted Types

Help for command '/DataFrame.RPKMs':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 MergeRPKMs(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Information:  Merges the RPKM csv data files.
  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /DataFrame.RPKMs /in <in.DIR> [/trim /out <out.csv>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /DataFrame.RPKMs 
Help for command '/DEGs':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 DEGs(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /DEGs /in <diff.csv> [/out <degs.csv> /log_fold 2]
  Example:      RNA-seq /DEGs 
Help for command '/DEGs.UpDown':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 DEGsUpDown(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /DEGs.UpDown /in <diff.csv> /sample.table <sampleTable.Csv> [/out <outDIR>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /DEGs.UpDown 
Help for command '/DESeq2':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 DESeq2(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /DESeq2 /sample.table <sampleTable.csv> /raw <raw.txt.DIR> /ptt <genome.ptt> [/design <design, default: ~condition>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /DESeq2 
Help for command '/DOOR.Corrects':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 DOORCorrects(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /DOOR.Corrects /DOOR <genome.opr> /pcc <pcc.dat> [/out <out.opr> /pcc-cut <0.45>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /DOOR.Corrects 
Help for command '/Export.Megan.BIOM':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 ExportToMegan(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /Export.Megan.BIOM /in <relative.table.csv> [/out <out.json.biom>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /Export.Megan.BIOM 
Help for command '/Export.SAM.Maps':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 ExportSAMMaps(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /Export.SAM.Maps /in <in.sam> [/contigs <NNNN.contig.Csv> /raw <ref.fasta> /out <out.Csv>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /Export.SAM.Maps 
Help for command '/Export.SSU.Refs':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 ExportSSURefs(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /Export.SSU.Refs /in <ssu.fasta> [/out <out.DIR> /no-suffix]
  Example:      RNA-seq /Export.SSU.Refs 
Help for command '/Export.SSU.Refs.Batch':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 ExportSSUBatch(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /Export.SSU.Refs /in <ssu.fasta.DIR> [/out <out.DIR>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /Export.SSU.Refs.Batch 
Help for command '/Format.GI':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 FormatGI(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /Format.GI /in <txt> /gi <regex> /format <gi|{gi}> /out <out.txt>
  Example:      RNA-seq /Format.GI 
Help for command '/fq2fa':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 Fq2fa(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /fq2fa /in <fastaq> [/out <fasta>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /fq2fa 
Help for command '/gast':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 gastInvoke(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe 
  Example:      RNA-seq /gast 
Help for command '/gast.stat.names':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 StateNames(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /gast.stat.names /in <*.names> /gast <gast.out> [/out <out.Csv>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /gast.stat.names 
Help for command '/Group.n':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 GroupN(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /Group.n /in <dataset.csv> [/locus_map <locus> /out <out.csv>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /Group.n 
Help for command '/HT-seq':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 HTSeqCount(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Information:  Count raw reads for DESeq2 analysis.
  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /Ht-seq /in <in.sam> /gff <genome.gff> [/out <out.txt> /mode <union, intersection_strict, intersection_nonempty; default:intersection_nonempty> /rpkm /feature <CDS>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /HT-seq 

Parameters information:

    Description:  The value of this parameter specific the counter of the function will be used, the available counter values are: union, intersection_strict and intersection_nonempty

    Example:      /Mode ""

    Description:  [NOTE: value is case sensitive!!!] Value of the gff features can be one of the: tRNA, CDS, exon, gene, tmRNA, rRNA, region

    Example:      /feature ""

Accepted Types

Help for command '/Imports.gast.Refs.NCBI_nt':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 ImportsRefFromNt(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /Imports.gast.Refs.NCBI_nt /in <in.nt> /gi2taxid <dmp/txt/bin> /taxonomy <nodes/names.dmp_DIR> [/out <out.fasta>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /Imports.gast.Refs.NCBI_nt 
Help for command '/log2.selects':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 Log2Selects(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /log2.selects /log2 <rpkm.log2.csv> /data <dataset.csv> [/locus_map <locus> /factor 1 /out <out.dataset.csv>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /log2.selects 
Help for command '/PCC':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 PCC(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /PCC /expr <expr.matrix.csv> [/out <out.dat>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /PCC 
Help for command '/Rank.Statics':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 RankStatics(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /Rank.Statics /in <relative.table.csv> [/out <EXPORT_DIR>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /Rank.Statics 
Help for command '/RPKM':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 RPKM(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /RPKM /raw <raw_count.txt> /gff <genome.gff> [/out <expr.out.csv>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /RPKM 
Help for command '/RPKM.Log2':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 Log2(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /RPKM.Log2 /in <RPKM.csv> /cond <conditions> [/out <out.csv>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /RPKM.Log2 

Parameters information:

    Description:  Syntax format as:  <experiment1>/<experiment2>|<experiment3>/<experiment4>|.....

    Example:      /cond "colR1/xcb1|colR2/xcb2"

Accepted Types

Help for command '/':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 sIdMapping(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe / /gff <genome.gff> /raw <htseq-count.txt> [/out <out.txt>]
  Example:      RNA-seq / 
Help for command '/SPCC':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 SPCC(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /SPCC /expr <expr.matrix.csv> [/out <out.dat>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /SPCC 
Help for command '/Stat.Changes':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 StatChanges(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /Stat.Changes /deseq <deseq.result.csv> /sample <sampletable.csv> [/out <out.csv> /levels <1000> /diff <0.5>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /Stat.Changes 
Help for command '/Statics.Labels':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 MergeLabels(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /Statics.Labels /in <in.csv> [/label <Label> /name <Name> /value <value> /out <out.csv>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /Statics.Labels 
Help for command '/WGCNA':

Prototype: RNA_seq.CLI::Int32 FromWGCNA(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Information:  Generates the cytoscape network model from WGCNA analysis.
  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\RNA-seq.exe /WGCNA /data <dataExpr.csv> /anno <annotations.csv> [/out <DIR.Out> /mods <color.list> /from.DESeq / <GeneId>]
  Example:      RNA-seq /WGCNA 

Parameters information:

    Description:  A sets of RNA-seq RPKM expression data sets, the first row in the csv table should be the experiments or conditions, and first column in the table should be the id of the genes and each cell in the table should be the RPKM expression value of each gene in each condition.
                   The data format of the table it would be like:
                   GeneId, condi1, cond12, condi3, ....
                   locus1, x, xx, x,
                   locus2, y, yy, yyy,
                   locus3, ,z, zz, zzz,

    xyz Is the RPKM of the genes

    Example:      /data ""

    Description:  A table of the gene name annotation, the table should be in formats of
    Id, gene_symbol
    locus1, geneName
    locus2, geneName

    Example:      /anno ""

    Description:  Each color in this parameter value is stands for a co expression module, and this parameter controls of the module output filtering, using | character as the seperator for each module color.

    Example:      /mods ""

    Description:  Export directory of the WGCNA data, if this parameter value is not presents in the arguments, then the current work directory will be used.

    Example:      /out ""

    Description:  Is the /data matrix if comes from the DESeq analysis result output?
                   If is true, then the expression value will be extract from the original matrix file and save a new file named DESeq.dataExpr0.Csv in the out directory,
                   and last using this extracted data as the source of the WGCNA R script.

    Example:      /From.Deseq ""

Accepted Types



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