Environmental modelling software
PCRaster is a collection of tools and software libraries tailored to the construction of spatio-temporal environmental models. Application domains are amongst others hydrology (rainfall-runoff, global water balance, groundwater (with Modflow)), ecology, or land use change. Two scripting languages (Python and PCRcalc) include a rich set of spatial operations for manipulating and analysing raster maps. A Python framework supports Monte Carlo simulations and data assimilation (Ensemble Kalman Filter and Particle Filter). The Aguila tool allows for the interactive visualisation of stochastic spatio-temporal data.
You can find more information about our research and development projects on our website. Information on PCRaster is given at the project website, and online documentation can be found here. For questions regarding the usage of PCRaster please use our mailing list, bugs can be reported via our issue tracker.
Packages are available for Linux, macOS and Windows via conda-forge. Install PCRaster with:
conda install -c conda-forge pcraster
CI builds of our current development version: