๐ a universal template management tool
npm install -g @sagacious/cli
or if you prefer yarn
yarn global add @sagacious/cli
template can be an npm package
template can be a git repository
template can be a local folder
and then you can check it
you can even manage different versions of templates
you can delete templates when you don't need them
now you can initialize your template where you need it
we all know that there are mature types of scaffolding in the community, but every time you initialize a project, you still need to customize a lot of personalized content. The template management tool can uniformly manage and cache your various templates.
yoman is a great tool, but I don't really like the mandatory naming prefix of his templates. Then in most cases, we may need to add a git repository template or a local template instead of publishing a new version of the npm package every time.
๐ด this donkey is a sagacious mascot~
- @sagacious/template-vue - a universal customized vue project template.
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