FlashCard is a ios App with awesome features. This is fully realized FlashCard App build in entirely in Swift Language and Fully customized with Simple but arractive UI Design
(Internship Project) Quiz App Project assign by CodeAlpha
- XCode 15
- Little bit knowledge how to program in Swift and with IOS SDK
If you create an app with the code, or interesting project inspired by the code, shoot me an email. I love hearing about your projects!
After creating an app, Just set up xcode structure such as organize your folder structure, Build ap simulator or physical device. And that's it starting making awesome apps
Includes full Xcode Project to jumpstart development
Q: Do I have to pay you anything if I make an app with this code?
A: Nope. This is completely open source, you can do whatever you want with it. It's usually cool to thank the project if you use the code. Go build stuff. Enjoy.
Q: Which API I used for this Mobile app?
A: I used Trivia API for my mobile application to get quiz questions and answer
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