A chatbot application aimed at providing mental health support by offering motivational quotes, stress-relief techniques, and a conversational interface.
- Defined key features of the chatbot:
- Chat interface for user interaction.
- Basic NLP for detecting user intent.
- Predefined responses for mental health topics.
- Planned the user flow and folder structure.
- Set up the project directory.
- Decided on the tech stack:
- Backend: Java
- Frontend: JavaFX or Swing
- NLP: Apache OpenNLP
- Database: SQLite/MySQL
graph TD;
A[MentalHealthChatbot] --> B[.vscode];
A --> C[src];
A --> D[db];
A --> E[resources];
A --> F[libs];
A --> G[README.md];
A --> H[.classpath];
B --> B1[settings.json];
C --> C1[ChatbotLogic.java];
C --> C2[Main.java];
C --> C3[NLPProcessor.java];
C --> C4[TestOpenNLP.java];
D --> D1[chatbot.db];
F --> F1[opennlp-tools-2.5.3.jar];
F --> F2[slf4j-api-2.0.0-alpha1.jar];
F --> F3[slf4j-simple-2.0.0-alpha1.jar];
- Set up the development environment.
- Build the project skeleton.