Releases: SchmollerLab/Cell_ACDC
Cell-ACDC v1.4.31
This is a minor release to address a few bugs.
Full Changelog: v1.4.30...v1.4.31
Cell-ACDC v1.4.30
It's finally possible to easily export to video or image directly from the GUI
Video can be generated from z-stacks or timelapse data. You can also add a timestamp to each frame.
What's Changed
- Feat: Added ReatTheDocs tutorial by @Teranis in #406
- Feat: Overhaul of docs; Addition of bdir to docs and updating format to .rst; Update of README to .rst and content; Addition of Tooltip to docs with extraction to the program by @Teranis in #414
- Feat: pomBseen tracker by @Teranis in #425
- Feat: Updated GUI element in segmentation module, closes #435 by @Teranis in #436
- Feat: added pomBseen_nuclear segmentation model by @Teranis in #440
- CellACDC_normal_division by @Teranis in #456
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.30
Cell-ACDC v1.4.0
Final release of v1.4.0
Build and installation
New trackers
- TAPIR by DeepMind
New features
- Module 3 GUI: remove all objects outside of a selected segmentation mask, see #373
- Module 3 GUI: add points manually with auto-pilot to zoom to objects, see #340
- Module 3 GUI: improvements to cell cycle annotations, see #303 and #299
- Utilities: select which columns to include in the 'Concatenate acdc output tables' utility, see #364
UI/UX improvements
- Dark/light mode toggle with better colours for the icons (e.g., #360)
New contributors
- Thanks to @Teranis for implementing bidirectional shift correction
Cell-ACDC v1.4.0rc1
First pre-release of v1.4.0
Build and installation
New trackers
- TAPIR by DeepMind
New features
- Module 3 GUI: remove all objects outside of a selected segmentation mask, see #373
- Module 3 GUI: add points manually with auto-pilot to zoom to objects, see #340
- Module 3 GUI: improvements to cell cycle annotations, see #303 and #299
- Utilities: select which columns to include in the 'Concatenate acdc output tables' utility, see #364
UI/UX improvements
- Dark/light mode toggle with better colours for the icons (e.g., #360)
Cell-ACDC v1.3.0
New segmentation models
New trackers
UI/UX improvements
- New quick settings widget (bottom-left GUI)
- Speed improvement: text annotations using pyqtgraph.ScatterPlotItem instead of LabelItem
- Speed improvement: draw contours with opencv
Cell-ACDC v1.2.4rc29a
Minor bug fixes and UI/UX improvements. Added citation file to improve readability of citation from Zenodo
Cell-ACDC v1.2.4rc29
Release with small bug fixes on v1.2.4rc26
Cell-ACDC v1.2.4rc26
Release candidate number 26 for v1.2.4
. This release introduces additional bug fixes and improvements to make v1.2.4
as stable as possible:
- New menu in the GUI to add combined measurements
- Custom annotations
- Support for manually crafted 3D segmentation masks (z-stacks)
Cell-ACDC v1.2.3
NOTE: some users had issues installing the environment with this version. Please see this issue for a possible solution
New models added and general improvements:
- Added StarDist model
- Updated CellPose to 0.8.0
- Added Omnipose and cyto2 models (Cellpose models)
- New "Tracking" menu that allows the possibility to choose acdc or YeaZ tracker
- Manual separation pop-up window now allows splitting a cell only into two objects
- UI/UX enhancements
Cell-ACDC v1.2.2
First release with full support on macOS!
What's new?
- 10x speed improvement when navigating time-lapse data
- Full macOS support, including bioformats
- Cmd+Click to delete cells on macOS
- Various bug fixes on macOS
- Magic wand tool
- Fill holes tool
- Ctrl+F to find and highlight a specific ID
- Post-processing of segmentation labels with size, solidity and elongation
- Added logger and exception handler. Logs are saved in /Cell_ACDC/src/logs
- Ctrl+L for relabelling IDs of segmented objects sequentially
- Automatic detection of cells in S/G2/M disappearing from the field of view