Table of Contents
This is a project that we use to automate issues creation for vote talks of Open Source Day. We have the call for speakers on sessionize, where we can download a csv file with talk+speaker name and to let the community vote we need all of them into issues.
The name COG is meant to lead back to the fact that this project is nothing more than a cog in a larger mechanism.
The main language is GO and the main graphical library is bubbletea, nothing more.
At the moment the fastest way to run this is to run:
go mod tidy
export GHTOKEN=<your-token>
go run main.go -csv <path-to-csv> -gh-user <user-repository> -gh-repository <repository>
The csv must have a similar structure of this template:
issue name,issue description,good first issue;bug;question
another issue name,another issue description,question
Is very important to split the labels with the separator ; otherwise something unexpected might happen.
Last thing, the most important one: you need a Github Personal Access Token no specific scope are needed.
If you have a description or title with commas or strange character that can conflict with the csv parsing we encourage you to change the csv value separator and run COG with the definition of the new comma separator:
go mod tidy
export GHTOKEN=<your-token>
go run main.go -csv <path-to-csv> -csv-comma <new_comma_separator> <path-to-csv> -gh-user <user-repository> -gh-repository <repository>
In most of our usage the new comma separator used is |
, for this particular case the COG run will be:
go mod tidy
export GHTOKEN=<your-token>
go run main.go -csv template.csv -csv-comma "|" -gh-user test-user -gh-repository test-repository
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
Schrödinger's Hat Team - @schroedinger_hat
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