If something does not work or you have suggestions contact me please here or in Skype. You can also find me sometimes in the irc chat.
Username: tHer0x
Remember to activate the options you want to use. They're deactivated.
Includes the following functions:
- Timers
- Jungle
- Relict
- Heal
- Inhibitor
- Altar
- Immune (For spells like Tryn R and Kayle R.)
- Ranges
- Experience (Draws the range in which you will get EXP.)
- Attack
- Tower
- SpellQ | Sometimes bugged
- SpellW | Sometimes bugged
- SpellE | Sometimes bugged
- SpellR | Sometimes bugged
- Tracker
- Waypoint (Shows the last position, where the enemy clicked.)
- Destination (Shows shaco q jump etc.)
- Clone (e.g. Shaco R, Yorick R)
- UI (Side/Head UI Champion CD's, Recall state etc.)
- UIM (Last Champ Position)
- SS (Pings if someone is missing for a few seconds.)
- Detector
- Vision (Wards, Traps)
- Recall (When someone recalls or aborts it.)
- Ganks
- GankPotentialTracker (Show lines to the enemies, and the color indictaor is used for the health)
- GankDetector (Alerts, when you get ganked.)
- Object Health
- Tower (Real value, percent)
- Inhibitor (Real value, percent)
- Wards
- WardCorrector (Shows useful ward places and automatically corrects it if you clicked in a specified range on it)
- BushRevealer (Auto places wards in a bush when you have a ward rdy, an enemy ran in it and you're holding the specified key)
- InvisibleRevealer (Auto places a pink ward for champs like twitch, shaco etc.)
- Activator
- SummonerSpells
- Ignite
- Heal
- Barrier
- Exhaust
- Cleanse
- Smite
- OffensiveItems
- ADItems (Uses Blade of the Ruined King, Entropy, Ravenous Hydra, Sword Of The Devine, Tiamat, Youmuu's Ghostblade)
- APItems (Uses Bilgewater Cutlass, Blackfire Torch, Deathfire Grasp, Hextech Gunblade, Twin Shadows)
- DefensiveItems
- SelfShield (Not implemented | Casts a shield for yourself)
- Wooglet/Zhonya (Not implemented | Casts it if you get under a specified percent (later maybe before some spells will hit you))
- DebuffSlow (Not implemented | Casts Randuins if you get in range.)
- CleanseSelf (Cleanse cc spells from yourself which you defined.)
- ShieldBoost (Not implemented | )
- Mikael (Not implemented | Removes debuffs from allies.)
- AutoShield (Not implemented | Casts a shield if someone will get dmg.)
- AutoPot (Uses auto heal/mana pot (flask etc. included) when a specified percent is reached.)
- SummonerSpells
- Misc
- SkinChanger (Let's you change the ingame skin.)
- SafeMovement (Blocks movement packets, so other scripts can't spam them.)
- AutoLevler
- Priority Mode
- MoveToMouse (Auto moves to the mouse if activated)
- SurrenderVote (Shows only in your team who voted yes or no)