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0.6.0-gtag.1 (2022-11-30)

Bug Fixes

  • linker: add webpage save after add_hit() (aa1c0a2)
  • linker: dont append url if webpage is None (c25fdd9)
  • linker: hard code max paragraphs because we dont want it to be configurable (1f8f743)
  • linker: move normalization of linker data sent out of init because it slows down init of webpages significantly (e3b757b)
  • linker: remove hard-coded white list selectors which are now stored in mongo (e5fd283)
  • linker: remove is_empty check because it slows down /api/linker-track significantly. check should be done offline. (87054a9)
  • linker: remove save from add_hit (09ea589)
  • move add_hit logic back into WebPage.add_or_update_from_linker() (96797a7)
  • Set up documentation: Clarify the sqlite path for Django for set up in the documentation (2546298)
  • Set up documentation: Edit comments for brevity (dbe406d)
  • Set up documentation: Edit README for brevity (ccc90d6)
  • Setup docs: Addressing feedback (c8a8ce5)


  • GA4: all and only the changes to move from GTM pushing to the data layer to gtag pushing to the datalayer. (5144e48)
  • linker: add (731d113)