A RESTful API for Northcoders News. Built using Node.js (v8.9.1), Express.js (v4.16.2), MongoDB (v5.6.0) and Mongoose(v5.0.1).
This API has been deployed to Heroku here.
Check if node.js
is already installed by typing the following command on your terminal:
node -v
If you do not already have Node.js installed please follow the instructions on this guide.
Check if npm
is already installed by typing the following command on your terminal:
npm -v
If you do not have npm already installed please follow this guide to set it up.
Check if git
is installed on your machine enter the following command on your terminal:
git --version
If you do not already have git installed on your machine please follow this guide.
Check if MongoDB
is installed on your machine enter the following command on your terminal:
npm -v MongoDB
If you do not have
already installed, please follow this guide.
Check if mongoose
is installed on your machine enter the following command on your terminal:
npm list mongoose
If you do not have
already installed, please follow this guide.
To run this project you will need to clone it onto your local machine and install all dependencies.
To do so use the command line to navigate to your preferred directory on your local machine and enter the following command on the terminal:
git clone https://github.com/SemraSh/BE-nc-news
Navigate inside the folder and install all dependencies by entering the following command on your terminal window:
npm install
Enter the following command in your terminal window to connect to the database and keep it running:
Open another terminal window, navigate inside the project folder and enter the following command to populate the database:
node seed/seed.js
Finally to run the server enter the following command in your terminal window:
npm start
This will run the server on port 3000. All endpoints can be found locally on http://localhost:3000 .
To test the API navigate to the project directory and enter the following command
npm test
Testing was carried out using Mocha
, Chai
and Supertest
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