The pure Java way to access your UniPi
This library uses http Evok API developed by UniPi's authors and allows you to access your UniPi from any computer in the pure Java way.
For controlling your UniPi, of course. You can for example control your analogue output, switch relays, at listeners for digital input change (someone pressing your button) etc.
Right now, implemented are this parts:
- Analogue Inputs
- Analogue Output
- Digital Inputs
- Relays
- Thermometer
In the future is planned adding more parts to operate with.
Most basic examples are shown in src/, but if as you wish, I'll write some basic here for you to:
By default, Evok uses port 80, so you can initialize your UniPi instance by typing
UniPi unipi = new UniPi("raspberrypiIP");
If you wish use another port (e.g. 81):
UniPi unipi = new UniPi("raspberrypiIP", 81);
Now we want to check if button (connected to DI01) is pressed:
DigitalInput button = new DigitalInput(unipi, 1);
System.out.println("I am impressed. Someone is pressing the button just from the begining!");
System.out.println("Hi! I somebody there? If yes, please press the button and start me again.");
Ok, but now we do not care if the button is pressed right now. We just want to be notified when somebody will press the button:
DigitalInput button = new DigitalInput(unipi, 1);
button.addListener(new PropertyChangeListener(){
public void valueChanged(UniProperty prop) {
System.out.println("Hey! I was just pressed!");
System.out.println("Ok, they left me alone again...");
That's it for the basics. For other parts (Relay, AI, Thermometer...) it is pretty the same, so you can start developing, or you can check documentation.