Copyright (c) Simon Kaluza
- Java build automation and dependency resolution scripting tool “Maven 3” or higher installed on the environment’s path (for Driveline Server only).
- MySQL installed and correctly configured on the Driveline server’s machine.
- XCode 5 or greater installed (for Driveline iOS Client only).
- Check out the server source code from the GitHub source control repository using the command “git clone”
- Use MySQL command-line tools to import the DDL/DML script “create-driveline-database-mysql.sql” saved in the “driveline-database” folder to a new schema titled “driveline”.
- Check out the server source code from the GitHub source control repository using the command “git clone” (if not yet completed in the prior step).
- Run the maven goal “jetty:run” in the “driveline-server-jaxrs” project folder with the command “mvn jetty:run”. This will start the lightweight, embeddable Java Jetty Servlet container. Maven will also attempt to download and install all the necessary Java library dependencies such as Jetty, JAX-RS, the JDBC MySQL connector and many others from the central repository.
- (optional) By replacing the host and port numbers in the customized Maven “pom.xml”, one can also run the “mvn antrun:run” to trigger an autodeployment script if one has already configured a production server for final deployment.
- Check out the iOS client source code from the GitHub source control repository using the command “git clone”
- Open the “driveline-ios.xcworkspace” file in Xcode and run the “Driveline” scheme after selecting either the iOS Simulator or a particular device. One can also run the unit tests in the DrivelineRestClient static library project which uses the Swagger Codegen library to autogenerate classes from the JAX-RS server to verify that all is functioning correctly.
Simon Kaluza December 2013 UNH Master's Project for Computer Science -- Driveline