Simple secrets sharing app with E2EE. The server only ever sees an encrypted blob of data. The server does not have the key to decrypt the data. The key is only shared with the recipient of the secret.
Deploy the server:
$ docker run -d -p 8888:80 --name quick-share
or use the docker-compose file:
$ docker-compose up -d
or you can build the binary yourself and just use that (the binary embeds all static files to be selfcontained and does not need any other files):
$ go build -o quick-share *.go
Navigate to the page in your browser and start sharing secrets.
actor a as Alice
participant ab as Alice Browser
participant srv as Server
participant bb as Bob Browser
actor b as Bob
a->>ab: Input secret
a->>ab: Create secret
activate ab
ab ->> ab: Generate encryption key
ab ->> ab: Encrypt secret with key
ab ->> srv: encrypted blob
activate srv
srv ->> ab: secretId
deactivate srv
ab->>a: link ={id}#35;{key}
deactivate ab
a ->> b: send link to Bob or let him use the QR code
b ->> bb: Navigate to link
activate bb
bb ->> srv: GET{id}
activate srv
Note right of srv: url fragments (anything after #35;)<br/>are never sent to the server
srv ->> bb: encrypted blob
deactivate srv
bb ->> bb: decrypt blob using key from url fragment
deactivate bb
bb -> b: show secret