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kissj - Keep It Simple Stupid for Jamborees!

kissj is scouts registration system for national and international Scout Jamborees with simple idea - it has to be stupidly simple!

Core features:

  • get information from participants as easy as possible
  • administrator one-click approving with automatic payment generation
  • one-click exporting health, logistic and full information for later usage
  • currently supporting roles:
    • IST (International Service Team)
    • Patrol - Patrol Leader + number of Participants, registered all by Patrol Leader
    • Troops - Troop Leader + number of Troop Participants, all registering separately and joingin into one Troop after
    • guests
  • full administration for event registration team - access to participants data with edit possibility
  • no use of unsafe or forgettable passwords in process of registration - you need just an email or Skautis account!

KISSJ is not:

  • User Event Management system
  • System for food distribution, health information or safety incidents repository
  • accountancy software
  • bloatware

Useful links

Local development


  • Installed docker
  • Installed docker-compose
  • Installed make


  1. Clone this repository: git clone
  2. Copy deploy/dev/compose.env.example to deploy/dev/compose.env and fill in the values
  3. Run the make target dev-up, so you don't have to do it manually: make dev-up
  4. add line kissj.local to your /etc/hosts file(optional)
  5. Open http://kissj.local/v2/event/test-event-slug/ in your browser and you are good to go!
  6. To stop the containers and remove them, run make dev-down(data should be preserved)


Backlog & roadmap

Backlog is in project GitHub issues, roadmap is in project GitHub milestones

Possible problems & fixes

STMP connection error

  • if TLS is not working correctly (for gmail especially), try set 'SMTPAuth' => false and/or 'disable_tls' => true

Local mail service

  • use Mailhog at http://localhost:8025/


How to change docker image

  • for PHP edit file deploy/container_images/php/Containerfile-ubi
  • run build docker build . -f deploy/container_images/php/Containerfile-ubi -t
  • pull new images from server docker-compose pull

External deals usage

Kissj can be used to collect data from external deals, momentarily from Google Forms. From paid user you can click to "Fill up some form" and it will redirect you to Google Form with your TIE code used as user handle. After filling up the form, the data is sent back to Kissj. Data is sent by script, which is triggered by Google Forms on submit event.

Example of the script is below - dont forget to change POST_URL and DEAL_SLUG to correct values.

//var POST_URL = "";
var POST_URL = "";
var DEAL_SLUG = "sfh";
var MAX_POINTS = 2;
var AUTH_KEY = 'kissj-event-auth-key';

function onSubmit(e) {
  var form = FormApp.getActiveForm();
  var allResponses = form.getResponses();
  var latestResponse = allResponses[allResponses.length - 1];
  var response = latestResponse.getItemResponses();
  var payload = {};

  for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
    var question = response[i].getItem().getTitle();
    var answer = response[i].getResponse();
    payload[question] = answer;
  payload['slug'] = DEAL_SLUG;

  var grade = e?.response.getGradableItemResponses().reduce((p, e) => p += e.getScore(), 0);

  if (grade < MAX_POINTS) {
    payload['enoughPoints'] = false;
  } else {
    payload['enoughPoints'] = true;

  var options = {
    "method": "post",
    "headers": {
      "Authorization": "Bearer " + AUTH_KEY,
    "contentType": "application/json",
    "payload": JSON.stringify(payload)

  UrlFetchApp.fetch(POST_URL, options);

How to use the script

  • Go to your chosen form and from three-dot menu click "<> Script editor"
  • Paste the script into the editor (overwrite pre-filled code)
  • In the same window, choose newly created test and click "Run" - if not working, check permissions on popup window
  • If it works (kissj should return http 4xx code), you are on the good way!
  • Next, click "Triggers" from the left menu
  • Click "Create a new trigger"
  • Make sure that on "Select event source" is Form, select on "Select event type" item "On form submit" and click "Save"
  • Try to fill up the form and check if the data is sent to kissj in "Executions" from the left menu
  • if not working, check permissions by clicking "Run" button again and allow needed permissions