This package is a simple API laravel wrapper for Pokemontcg with a sleek Model design for API routes and authentication.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require slatyo/laravel-pokemontcg
The package will automatically register its service provider.
To publish the config file to config/pokemontcg.php
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\LaravelPokemontcgServiceProvider"
Default content of config/pokemontcg.php
* Default configuration to run the API
return [
'url' => env('POKEMONTCG_API_URL', ''),
'secret' => env('POKEMONTCG_SECRET'),
is the default wrapper to access everything the
Pokemontcg API has to offer.
To access the cards model you have to call:
$cards = Pokemontcg::cards();
Find a specific card by its id:
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Card;
Find Pokémon's based on HP:
$from = "1";
$to = "100";
$cards->hp($from, $to);
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Card;
Card::hp($from, $to);
Card::whereHp($from, $to); // alias
Find Pokémon's based on their name:
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Card;
Card::whereName('Charizard'); // alias
Find Pokémon's based on their name:
$from = "1";
$to = "151";
$cards->pokedex($from, $to);
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Card;
Card::pokedex($from, $to);
Card::wherePokedex($from, $to); // alias
Find Pokémon's by supertypes
and types
$cards->supertype('mega', 'water');
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Card;
Card::supertype('mega', 'water');
Card::whereSupertype('mega'); // alias
Card::whereSupertype('mega', 'water'); // alias
Search Pokémon's based on a query string - for more details on how the query works check out: Pokemontcg search cards.
$cards->search('name:Char*zard supertype:mega -type:fire');
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Card;
Card::search('name:Char*zard supertype:mega -type:fire');
To access the sets model you have to call:
$sets = Pokemontcg::sets();
Find a specific set by its id:
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Set;
Search Pokémon sets based on a query string - for more details on how the query works check out: Pokemontcg search sets.
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Set;
To access the supertypes model you have to call:
$supertypes = Pokemontcg::supertypes();
Return all supertypes
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Supertype;
To access the subtypes model you have to call:
$subtypes = Pokemontcg::subtypes();
Return all subtypes
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Subtype;
To access the subtypes model you have to call:
$types = Pokemontcg::types();
Return all types
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Type;
To access the rarities model you have to call:
$rarities = Pokemontcg::rarities();
Return all rarities
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Rarity;
Executing the testbench:
composer test
Running PHPStan
composer stan
Running PHPStan on windows
composer stan-2g
Generate coverage reports
composer test:coverage
composer test:coverage-html
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
- Daniel Henze
- All Contributors
- This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.