Makeshift Armor
Crafted out of patterns
Same defense level as leather
Only includes a helmet and chestplate
Can receive wooden embellishments (shows how to add custom embellishment types)
With this set, we now have a set for all 5 tiers: tier 1 (makeshift), tier 2 (travelers), tier 3 (laminar), tier 4 (plate), and tier 5 (slime)
Amethyst Staff
New staff variant created in the anvil
Crafted from 2 bow limbs, a bow string, and 2 amethyst crystals
Can receive the same modifiers as other staff variants like spitting and flinging, but uses bow parts for ranged stats instead of them being fixed
Can also take advantage of ranged traits when relevant to the modifier
Veinline now uses vine as a composite base instead of string
Veinline now grants +1 defense slot instead of +1 upgrade and an accuracy loss
Hematite now has 1 trait instead of 3 by taking advantage of composable modifiers
Fix hematite embellishment not working on laminar
Add our content to the Tinkers books taking advantage of a new feature
Added Chinese translation (thanks Cactusstudent and ChuijkYahus!)
Migrate from deprecated flag to tool stat for shortbow speed
Reorganize recipes into folders to make them easier to locate for reference. Note the folders are not required, they are just done for simplicity
Used composable modifiers for all modifiers that can use it, as its the recommended way to do JSON modifiers in the future
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