Here is a link to the live demo: https://discordia-dz4f.onrender.com/
This was a collaborative effort between 4 people: Beverly Duran, Jay Levin, Melinda Cortez, and Benjamin Wilson. We had a relatively short amount of time to build out this project and worked closely together to make sure were staying on track.
A few things we learned:
- How to build out a backend API server using Python
- Collaboration skills
- Leveraging web sockets to support chat messages
- Ways React allows multiple developers to divide up a project in to more manageable chunks and components.
A few skills we improved upon:
- We greatly improved our skills with Redux in terms of building out a store, determining optimal data structures, and ensuring the reducers give new memory addresses to updated data.
- React: https://react.dev/
- Redux: https://redux.js.org/
- SQAlchemy: https://www.sqlalchemy.org/
- Flask: https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.3.x/
- WTForms: https://wtforms.readthedocs.io/en/3.0.x/
- Real time chat between users. Either groups of users chatting simultaneously in a server or directly with one another through direct messaging.
- Jay Levin:
- Beverly Duran:
- Melinda Cortez:
- Benjamin Wilson: