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Dan Kim edited this page Dec 18, 2016 · 1 revision

Important notes while upgrading:

  • If you are upgrading from <= 1.0.0

    • before_logout does not take arguments anymore (current_user still returns user at this point)
    • after_logout takes one argument (user) as current_user returns nil then
  • If you are upgrading from <= 0.8.6 and you use Sorcery model methods in your app, you might need to change them from user.method to user.sorcery_adapter.method and from User.method to User.sorcery_adapter_method

  • If you are upgrading from <= 0.8.5 and you're using Sorcery test helpers, you need to change the way you include them to following code:

    RSpec.configure do |config|
      config.include Sorcery::TestHelpers::Rails::Controller, type: :controller
      config.include Sorcery::TestHelpers::Rails::Integration, type: :feature
  • If are upgrading to 0.8.2 and use activity_logging feature with ActiveRecord, you will have to add a new column last_login_from_ip_address #465

  • Sinatra support existed until 0.7.0 (including), but was dropped later due to being a maintenance nightmare.

  • If upgrading from <= 0.6.1 to >= 0.7.0 you need to change 'username_attribute_name' to 'username_attribute_names' in initializer.

  • If upgrading from <= v0.5.1 to >= v0.5.2 you need to explicitly set your user_class model in the initializer file.

# This line must come after the 'user config' block.
config.user_class = User