This project implements a CUG (Closed User Group) management system using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js). It allows users to create, manage, and view CUG groups for discounted or free calls and SMS within a group.
- Create new CUG groups
- View a list of existing CUG groups with details
- Manage CUG group members (add, remove)
- User-friendly interface built with React
- Frontend: React (with optional UI library like Material-UI or Bootstrap)
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Database: MongoDB (with Mongoose ODM)
Clone this repository:
git clone<your-username>/cug-management-system.git
Install dependencies:
cd cug-management-system
npm install
Start the backend server:
npm run server-start (or a similar script defined in your package.json)
Start the React development server:
npm run start (or a similar script defined in your package.json)
This will usually start the application at http://localhost:3000/ (adjust the port if necessary).
- Description: This function allows users to create a new CUG group by providing a group name and description.
- API Endpoint: POST /api/cug-groups
- Request Body: { name: string, description: string }
- Response: 201 Created with the newly created CUG group ID
- Description: This function retrieves a list of existing CUG groups with their details.
- API Endpoint: GET /api/cug-groups
- Response: 200 OK with an array of CUG group objects
- Description: This function retrieves the details of a specific CUG group.
- API Endpoint: GET /api/cug-groups/:id
- Response: 200 OK with the CUG group object
- Description: This function adds a new member to an existing CUG group.
- API Endpoint: POST /api/cug-groups/:id/members
- Request Body: { userId: string }
- Response: 201 Created with the updated CUG group object
- Description: This function removes a member from an existing CUG group.
- API Endpoint: DELETE /api/cug-groups/:id/members/:userId
- Response: 200 OK with the updated CUG group object
- Description: This function updates an existing CUG group's details.
- API Endpoint: PATCH /api/cug-groups/:id
- Request Body: { name: string, description: string }
- Response: 200 OK with the updated CUG group object
- Description: This function deletes an existing CUG group.
- API Endpoint: DELETE /api/cug-groups/:id
- Response: 204 No Content