Sadly the app does no longer work since twitch have done changes on their side. It would probably be possible to fix but I don't have the time for that atm.
Unofficial app for legacy Samsung SmartTV's which plays Twitch live broadcasts.
Testing Your Application on a TV for 2014
Testing Your Application on a TV for 2013
Testing Your Application on a TV for 2011
To get access your followed channels you have to unpack the from releases and edit the app/script/config.js file and enter your username or userid. Then repack everything as
Replace spaceogre here with your username:
var Config = {
data: {
username: 'spaceogre',
userid: ''
clientId: 'kimne78kx3ncx6brgo4mv6wki5h1ko',
webRequestTimeout: 1000,
//fileName: + "_config.db",
version: '3.9.2'
I'm planing to add support for this from inside the app in the future.
You have to run some kind of web server or a specific app for installing SmartTV apps like SammyWidgets.
Note: I could not get SammyWidgets to work so I just used IIS and put the zip in inetput/wwwroot.
On your TV, go to Menu->Smart Features->Samsung Account and type name "develop".
Then go to SmartHUB, click "More Apps" button, then click "Options" button and choose "IP Setting", put the IP address of your web server and finally choose "Start App Sync" option. Twitch app has to be installed now.
For 2014 models "More apps" button might be absent, if so try: long press the enter button on any app, then the menu will pop up, select IP Settings, put in the IP, then long press enter again and then Start User Apps Sync.
For models released before 2013 you might want to use these instructions instead: From the SmartHUB main screen, click the "Tools" button on the remote. Only from the "Tools" menu, navigate to "Settings", and from there to "Development". (You still have to be logged in as 'develop')
The original fork is
I created this fork to add support for Followed Channels since it is the way I use Twitch the most. Since then I have also upgraded to use the Twitch API v5 instead of v3 and some other small changes.
I am still working on this from time to time but because life situations I'm very limited in testing it on my TV, but if you want something fixed/added please add an issue and I can try to fix it and then you have to test it for me :)