SPOS-541: Add styling profile dropdown #1034
Travis CI / Travis CI - Branch
Dec 18, 2024 in 7m 29s
Build Failed
The build failed, just like the previous build.
This is a normal build for the feature/SPOS-541 branch. You should be able to reproduce it by checking out the branch locally.
Jobs and Stages
This build has two jobs, running in parallel.
Job | PHP | ENV | OS | State |
8.3 | DRUPAL=9.4 PHPUNIT=9 | Linux | failed | |
8.3 | DRUPAL=10.3 PHPUNIT=9 | Linux | failed |
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | PHP |
Operating System | Linux (Jammy) |
PHP Version | 8.3 |
Node.js Version | 18 |
Build Configuration
"language": "php",
"os": [
"dist": "jammy",
"php": [
"node_js": [
"env": [
"jobs={:DRUPAL=>\"9.4\", :PHPUNIT=>\"9\"}={:DRUPAL=>\"10.3\", :PHPUNIT=>\"9\"}"
"jobs": {
"fast_finish": true
"cache": {
"directories": [
"before_install": [
"nvm install 18 && nvm use 18",
"npm install -g gulp-cli",
"composer self-update --2",
"composer --version",
"if [ \"${GITHUB_TOKEN}\" != \"\" ]; then composer config github-oauth.github.com ${GITHUB_TOKEN}; fi",
"if [ \"${REPMAN_TOKEN}\" != \"\" ]; then composer config --global --auth http-basic.district09.repo.repman.io token ${REPMAN_TOKEN}; fi",
"if [ \"${REPMAN_TOKEN}\" != \"\" ]; then composer config repositories.repman-district09 composer https://district09.repo.repman.io; fi",
"curl -L https://codeclimate.com/downloads/test-reporter/test-reporter-latest-linux-amd64 > ./cc-test-reporter",
"chmod +x ./cc-test-reporter",
"./cc-test-reporter before-build"
"install": [
"composer require -n --no-update --sort-packages --dev --with-all-dependencies \"drupal/core:~$DRUPAL.0\" \"phpunit/phpunit:^$PHPUNIT\"",
"composer install -n --no-progress"
"script": [
"vendor/bin/grumphp run -n",
"cd source && gulp validate && cd .."
"after_script": [
"./cc-test-reporter after-build --coverage-input-type clover --exit-code $TRAVIS_TEST_RESULT",
"SONAR_PROJECT_NAME=\"Drupal $(composer config name | cut -d / -f 2)\"",
"SONAR_PROJECT_KEY=web:$(echo \"$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG\" | cut -d / -f 2)",
"curl -L https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/sonarsource/scanner/cli/sonar-scanner-cli/ > sonar-scanner.jar",
"[ -d tests ] || mkdir tests",
"java -jar sonar-scanner.jar -Dsonar.host.url=https://sonarqube.stad.gent -Dsonar.login=$SONAR_LOGIN -Dsonar.projectKey=$SONAR_PROJECT_KEY -Dsonar.projectName=\"$SONAR_PROJECT_NAME\" -Dsonar.tests=tests -Dsonar.php.coverage.reportPaths=build/logs/clover.xml"