This package implements the minimum required logic to let Cloudflare Workers / Pages can support OpenID Connect authentication.
npm install @starportal/cf-workers-openid-connect
The factory to create Authenticator
Will load client options from env
Environment name | Description |
The issuer url e.g. |
The fetch cache when use discovery endpoint |
The application client ID |
The application secret |
The callback url to redirect back |
The authorization endpoint |
The endpoint to exchange code |
The endpoint to get JWKS to verify ID token |
Add GET /oidc
nd GET /oidc/callback
to manage the flows
// functions/oidc/index.ts
// mounted to `GET /oidc`
import { buildAuthenticator } from '@starportal/cf-workers-openid-connect'
export async function onRequestGet({ request, env, data }) {
// The factory to build Authenticator from environment variable
const auth = buildAuthenticator(env)
try {
// If the endpoint is provided this is optional
await auth.discovery()
} catch(e: any) {
// Return error if issuer unavailable
return new Response(null, { status: 500 })
// Save state to verify response
const state = crypto.randomUUID()
await env.StateKV.put(`state-${state}`, state, { expirationTtl: ttl || 60 })
return auth.authorizeWith(state, ['openid', 'email']);
// functions/oidc/callback.ts
// mounted to `GET /oidc/callback`
import { JWT, buildAuthenticator, extractAuthReturn } from '@starportal/pages-openid-connect'
export async function onRequestGet({ request, env }) {
const auth = buildAuthenticator(env)
try {
await auth.discovery()
} catch(e: any) {
return new Response(null, { status: 500 })
const [code, state] = extractAuthReturn(request)
// Return state mismatch
const savedState = await env.StateKV.get(`state-${state}`)
if (sate != savedState) {
return new Response(null, { status: 401 })
// User reject authorize application
if(!code) {
return new Response(null, { status: 401 })
// Exchange ID Token
const token: JWT = await
// Redirect user to `/`
const response = new Response(null, { status: 302, headers: new Headers() })
response.headers.append('Location', '/')
// Save ID token in your way
setCookieHelper(response, '_session', token.toJWT())
return response;