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StbImageWriteSharp is C# port of the stb_image_write.h, which is C library to write images in JPG, PNG, BMP, TGA and HDR formats.

It is important to note, that this project is port(not wrapper). Original C code had been ported to C#. Therefore StbImageWriteSharp doesnt require any native binaries.

The porting hasn't been done by hand, but using Sichem, which is the C to C# code converter utility.

Adding Reference

There are two ways of referencing StbImageWriteSharp in the project:

  1. Through nuget: install-package StbImageWriteSharp

  2. As submodule:

    a. git submodule add

    b. Now there are two options:

    • Add StbImageWriteSharp/src/StbImageWriteSharp/StbImageWriteSharp.csproj to the solution

    • Include *.cs from StbImageWriteSharp/src/StbImageWriteSharp directly in the project. In this case, it might make sense to add STBSHARP_INTERNAL build compilation symbol to the project, so StbImageWriteSharp classes would become internal.


StbImageWriteSharp exposes API similar to stb_image_write.h. However that API is complicated and deals with raw unsafe pointers.

Thus utility class ImageWriter had been made to wrap that functionality.

I.e. this code saves RGBA image in PNG format:

using (Stream stream = File.OpenWrite(path))
	ImageWriter writer = new ImageWriter();
	writer.WritePng(data, width, height, ColorComponents.RedGreenBlueAlpha, stream);


Public Domain

Who uses it?

MonoGame uses StbImageWriteSharp for Texture2D.SaveAs
