docker run -v /absolute/path/to/serve:/static -p 8080:80 steffenblake/nginx-static-ha
This command exposes an nginx server on port 8080 which serves the folder /absolute/path/to/serve
from the host.
On boot up this image copies all directories and files from /absolute/path/to/serve
to its own internal /www
directory. Thus once initialization is complete, modifications to /absolute/path/to/serve
will not be reflected by, or impact, the served nginx directory. To 'refresh' the served files the docker image must be redeployed. This is conducive to a "high avialability" system where you want to perform rolling deployments, thus you can modify the static files and roll out a deployment without suffering any outages.
If you want an instant reflected service that does not have this behavior, see the original nginx-static
image that this repo is a fork of here:
The image can only be used for static file serving but is less than 4 MB (roughly 1/10 the size of the official nginx image). The running container needs ~1 MB RAM.
To serve your static files over HTTPS you must use another reverse proxy. We recommend træfik as a lightweight reverse proxy with docker integration. Do not even try to get HTTPS working with this image only, as it does not contain the nginx ssl module.
This is an example entry for a docker-compose.yaml
version: '3'
image: steffenblake/nginx-static-ha
- 8080:80
- /path/to/serve:/static
To use nginx-static-ha with træfik 2.x add an entry to your services in a docker-compose.yaml. To set up traefik look at this simple example.
In the following example, replace everything contained in <angle brackets> and the domain with your values.
image: traefik:2.4 # check if there is a newer version
# Your traefik config.
image: steffenblake/nginx-static-ha
- 80
- "traefik.enable=true"
- "traefik.http.routers.<router>.rule=Host(``)"
- "traefik.http.routers.<router>.entrypoints=<entrypoint>"
# If you want to enable SSL, uncomment the following line.
# - "traefik.http.routers.<router>.tls.certresolver=<certresolver>"
- /host/path/to/serve:/static
If traefik and the nginx-static-ha are in distinct docker-compose.yml files, please make sure that they are in the same network.
For a traefik 1.7 example look at an old version of the readme
In the case you already have your own Dockerfile you can easily adjust the nginx config by adding the following command in your Dockerfile. In case you don't want to create an own Dockerfile you can also add the configuration via volumes, e.g. appending -v /absolute/path/to/custom.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
in the command line or adding the volume in the docker-compose.yaml respectively. This can be used for advanced rewriting rules or adding specific headers and handlers. See the default config here.
FROM steffenblake/nginx-static-ha
RUN rm -rf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
COPY your-custom-nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
Or you can just mount the docker file post image compilation in docker compose:
version: '3'
image: steffenblake/nginx-static-ha
- 8080:80
- /path/to/serve:/static
- /path/to/nginx/default.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf