Mathematics Package for Unity.
Provides multiple common 3D transformations and geometry.
Demo here :
Ni.Math Transforms:
- Translation1 : 1D translation
- Translation3 : 3D translation
- Rotation3Q : 3D rotation as quaternion
- Rotation3E : 3D rotation as Euler X, Y, Z angles
- ShearXY3 : 3D shear on axes Y.x, Z.x, Z.y components
- Scale1 : 1D scale, 3D uniform scale
- Scale3 : 3D non-uniform scale
- RigidTransform3 : 3D translation * 3D rotation
- UniformTransform3 : 3D translation * 3D rotation * 3D uniform scale
- NonUniformTransform3 : 3D translation * 3D rotation * 3D non-uniform scale
- Matrix3x3Transform3 : 3D rotation * 3D shear * 3D non-uniform scale
- Matrix4x4Transform3 : 3D translation * 3D rotation * 3D shear * 3D non-uniform scale
- Aabb3M : 3D translation * 3D non-uniform scale : 3D Axis-Aligned Bounding Box (min, max)
- Aabb3S : 3D translation * 3D non-uniform scale : 3D Axis-Aligned Bounding Box (min, size)
- Aabb3C : 3D translation * 3D non-uniform scale : 3D Axis-Aligned Bounding Box (center, extent)
- Obb3T : 3D translation * 3D rotation * 3D non-uniform scale : 3D Oriented Bounding Box (NonUniformTransform3)
- Obb3M : 3D translation * 3D rotation * 3D shear * 3D non-uniform scale : 3D Oriented Bounding Box (Matrix4x4Transform3)
- ProjectionAxis3x1 : 3D projection from 1D : Project a 1D scalar value onto a 3D axis vector.
- ProjectionAxis1x3 : 1D projection from 3D : Project a 3D vector onto an axis vector 1D scalar value.
- Direction3 : Unit 3D vector
- Ray3 : 3D translation * 3D projection from 1D : 3D ray (origin, direction)
- RayI3 : 1D projection from 3D * 3D translation : 3D inverse ray.
- LineSegment3: 3D translation * 3D projection from 1D : 2 3D points connected as a line segment
Ni.Math Static classes:
- NiMath : Contains all variations of:
- NearEqual(a, b, margin) : Return if a and b are equal within a margin of error
- GetTranslation(a) : Get the translation component of the transform a
- GetRotation(a) : Get the rotation component of the transform a
- GetShear(a) : Get the shear component of the transform a
- GetScale(a) : Get the scale component of the transform a
- ReTranslate(a, b) : return a with its translation component set to b.
- ReRotate(a, b) : return a with its rotation component set to b.
- ReShear(a, b) : return a with its shear component set to b.
- ReScale(a, b) : return a with its scale component set to b.
- Translate(a, b) : Translate b by a
- Rotate(a, b) : Rotate b by a
- Shear(a, b) : Shear b by a
- Scale(a, b) : Scale b by a
- Inverse(a) : return the inverse of transform a
- Transform(a, b) : Transform b by a
- Untransform(a, b) : Transform b by Inverse(a)
- Mul(a, b) : Multiply b by a (combine transforms. Right to left transformation order)
- Div(a, b) : Divide b by a (combine inverse transform. Right to left transformation order)
- Contains(a, b) : If b is contained within a
- Raycast1(ray, b, maxDistance, out float t) : Ray cast on b. return true if ray hits b. Hit 3d point is ray[t]
- Decompose(o, ...) : Decompose a transform into its primary transformations.
- Cube3 : Contains metrics for a 3D cube such as vertices, edges, indices, etc.
- PropertySerialization : Utility function for serialization of math transforms with the SerializedProperty API
- NiMathDrawer : Base drawer class. Each transform has its own drawer class
- NiMathHandles : Utility functions for drawing transforms with the Handles API
- NiMathGizmos : Utility functions for drawing transforms with the Gizmos API
- NiMathEditorGUI : Utility functions for editor GUI.