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Tokens for Climate Care – Web API


The base URL of the API is
If not otherwise noted, all responses have content type application/json.


Almost all request need to be authenticated with a JWT (JSON Web Token). To authenticate your request send the following header: Authentication: Bearer <your_jwt>

API Tokens for Website Development
API Tokens for Admin


The list of routes is grouped by access rights. In order to access some routes, you need to authenticate your request with a JWT containing a sub claim with the respective value (exhibition, generator or admin):


Get API information.

Query parameters:

  • None


  • 200 { name, description, version, git_sha }


  • None

GET /svg

Retrieve SVG representation of a single token. Can be used to provide direct-download links.

Query parameters:

  • id: The token id.
  • download: Optional. When present (can be set to empty string) triggers a direct download of the SVG.


  • SVG text of the token. Response has content-type image/svg+xml.
  • If download is used, response has content-type application/octet-stream and content-disposition attachment; filename="token-<id>.svg" which usually triggers a direct download in the browser.


  • 400 {error: 'id missing'}
  • 404 {error: 'token not found'}

GET /png

Retrieve PNG representation of a single token. Can be used to provide direct-download links. The token is rendered to PNG on demand.

Query parameters:

  • id: The token id.
  • download: Optional. When present (can be set to empty string) triggers a direct download of the PNG.


  • PNG render of the token. Response has content-type image/png.
  • If download is used, response has content-type application/octet-stream and content-disposition attachment; filename="token-<id>.png" which usually triggers a direct download in the browser.


  • 400 {error: 'id missing'}
  • 404 {error: 'token not found'}

GET /token

Retrieve a single token.

Query parameters:

  • id: Token id


  • { id, svg, generated, keywords }
    • id: Token id.
    • svg: SVG of the token.
    • generated: ISO timestamp.
    • keywords: Array of keywords used to generate the token.


  • 400 {error: 'id missing'}
  • 404 {error: 'token not found'}

GET /tokens

Retrieve a range tokens. One of the parameters offset, start_id or end_id is required. When offset is set start_id and end_id are ignored; when start_id is set end_id is ignored.

Use offset to jump to a specific position within the database. By default, the newest token is at offset 0 (newest_first=true). For example get the first page of newest tokens with offset=0&count=100. To get tokens from the end of the database use a negative offset e.g. offset=-100&count=100 gets the 100 tokens at the end.

Use start_id to efficiently get the next page of tokens after an initial request with offset, which returns the id of the next page in the next field. Similarly, use end_id to efficiently get the previous page of tokens, together with the prev field returned by the initial request.

Query parameters:

  • offset: Offset in the database to retrieve tokens from. Negative offsets count from the end of the database, i.e. -1 is the last token, -2 the second to last etc. (default: 0).
  • start_id: Retrieve count tokens, beginning with this id. (default: ignored)
  • end_id: Retrieve count tokens, ending with this id, inclusive. (default: ignored)
  • count: Number of tokens to retrieve. (default: 1).
  • newest_first: Sort order of the database. (default: true).


  • { rows, total_rows, offset, next, prev }
    • rows: Array of tokens. See GET /token for individual token fields.
    • total_rows: Total number of tokens in the database.
    • offset: Offset of the first result in rows from the beginning of the database.
    • next: Id of next token. Can be used with start_id on a subsequent request to get the next page. Is null in case we're at the end already.
    • prev: Id of previous token. Can be used with end_id on a subsequent request to get the previous page. Is null in case we're at the beginning.


  • 400 {error: 'need offset, start_id or end_id'}
  • 400 {error: 'count out of range'}
  • 400 {error: 'offset out of range'}

GET /request_interaction

Request to interact with the Tokens Live Installation. The request can be denied with error 423 if the interaction queue is full. If the request is successful, an interaction id and a color are returned.

Query parameters:

  • None


  • { id, color }
    • id: Interaction id. Used with GET /deposit_interaction to send user- selected keywords to the installation.
    • color: RGB hex color code, e.g. #70c5ff. Used to color the interaction interface. The generated token in the live installation will have the same color.


  • 423 {error: 'queue limit reached'}

GET /deposit_interaction

Send a user interaction to the installation. After this request completed sucessfully (with status 200), GET /interaction_updates can be used to provide feedback about the state of the interaction to the user.

Query parameters:

  • id: Interaction id retrieved by GET /request_interaction
  • keywords: Comma-separated string of exactly three keywords the user has selected e.g. sustainable,future,contract.


  • No return value


  • 400 {error: 'id missing'}
  • 400 {error: 'keywords missing'}
  • 400 {error: 'exactly three keywords needed'}
  • 400 {error: 'already deposited'}
  • 400 {error: 'expired' } if too much time has passed since GET /request_interaction
  • 404 {error: 'not found'}

GET /interaction_updates

Receive updates about an interaction. Provides the position in queue, and, once the token based on the user input was generated the token id.

Use long-polling to continually supply information to the user:

  • Initially omit the since parameter. The request will hang until the first update is received or the timeout is reached.
  • In general, if a timeout (Error 504) or other network error occurs, immediately start another request with the same parameters to continue listening for updates.
  • If the request is successful (status 200)...
    • ... and queue_position > 0, update the UI, and immediately start another request, setting the since parameter to the returned update sequence number seq.
    • ... and queue_position = 0, the token was generated and the installation starts to display it for some time. Update the UI with the newly generated token by using the supplied token_id.

Query parameters:

  • id: Interaction id
  • since: (default: ignored)
  • timeout: (default: 60000)


  • { id, seq, queue_position, token_id }
    • id: The interaction id
    • seq: Update sequence number. Use with the since parameter in a subsequent request to get the next update.
    • queue_position: Position in the interaction queue i.e. the number of people before you. If 0 your token was sucessfully generated and is starting to be displayed by the installation. In this case, token_id will contain the a valid token id.
    • token_id: If queue_position 0 is reached, contains the token id, otherwise null.


  • 504 Timeout reached
  • 400 {error: 'id missing'}
  • 404 {error: 'not found'}

GET /new_interaction_updates

Allows the token generator (installation) to listen for incoming interactions. Use with long polling.

Query parameters:

  • since: (default: ignored)
  • timeout: (default: 60000)


  • { id, seq, color, keywords }
    • id: The interaction id
    • seq: Update sequence number. Use with the since parameter in a subsequent request to get the next update.
    • color: RGB hex color code, e.g. #70c5ff
    • keywords: Array of three strings
    • requested_at: ISO-timestamp of when the interaction was requested
    • deposited_at: ISO-timestamp of when the interaction was deposited


  • 504 Timeout reached

GET /waiting_interactions

Allows the token generator (installation) to check for still waiting interactions on startup. This can occur when the generator has updated an interaction with a queue position, but is quit or crashed before the token is generated.

Query parameters:

  • since: Optional timestamp string (e.g. ISO, parsed with Date.parse()). Only interactions deposited on or after that time will be returned. Omit or set to 0 to retrieve all waiting interactions.


  • [ { id, color, keywords, requested_at, deposited_at }, ... ]: Array of waiting interactions (can be empty)
    • id: The interaction id
    • color: RGB hex color code, e.g. #70c5ff
    • keywords: Array of three strings
    • requested_at: ISO-timestamp of when the interaction was requested
    • deposited_at: ISO-timestamp of when the interaction was deposited


  • 400 {error: 'invalid timestamp'} if since parameter couldn't be parsed

GET /update_interaction

Allows the installation to notify queuing interactions about their queue position or, eventually, the generated token id. One of queue_position or token_id is required.

Query parameters:

  • id: The interaction id
  • queue_position: Integer >= 0. Can be omitted if token_id is given.
  • token_id: Optional. If present, queue_position will be set to 0.


  • No return value


  • 400 {error: 'id missing'}
  • 400 {error: 'queue_position or token_id required'}
  • 400 {error: 'invalid queue_position'}, if queue_position < 0
  • 404 {error: 'interaction not found'}
  • 404 {error: 'token not found'}, if token_id was provided, but invalid

PUT /token

Allows the installation to archive newly generated tokens.

Query parameters:

  • None

Request body:

  • { svg, generated, keywords }
    • svg: SVG of the token.
    • generated: ISO timestamp.
    • keywords: Array of (three) keywords used to generate the token.


  • { id }
    • id: Token id.


  • 400 {error: 'required attribute(s) missing'}, if one or more of the required attributes are missing in the request body JSON object.

DELETE /token

DELETE /tokens


No description, website, or topics provided.






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