This project automates the process of recording daily attendance in a Google Sheets document. Teachers or users can submit their in-time and out-time through a web interface, and the attendance details are updated in the Google Sheets.
- Create a Google Sheets document with the necessary columns (e.g., ID, In Time, Out Time).
- Copy and paste the contents of into the Google Apps Script editor.
- Save the script.
- In the Google Apps Script editor, go to Publish > Deploy as web app...
- Choose a version and set access to "Anyone, even anonymous."
- Click "Deploy."
- After deploying, you'll get a URL for the web app. Use this URL in your MIT App Inventor project.
- Import the AttendanceApp.aia file into your MIT App Inventor.
- Set up the necessary UI components (e.g., text boxes, buttons).
- Use the Web component to make POST requests to the web app URL obtained from the Google Apps Script.
- Users can input their attendance details using the MIT App Inventor app.
- The Google Apps Script updates the Google Sheets document with the provided information.
Check the modified version in this repository link.
- Send-data-to-google-sheets-creating-List-with-MIT-app-inventor: Visit this repository for creating a list with MIT App Inventor and sending data to Google Sheets.
Inspired by the need for a simple daily attendance system.