I am SuperSashka. Super because I am super. Sashka - because it is a Russian shorthand for Alexander. Sometimes they call me Alexander Hvatov.
I am the head of Composite AI lab and part of the NSS Lab (https://itmo-nss-team.github.io). Apart from manager's things, we with my team doing different differential equation-relared magic.
My first child is EPDE https://github.com/ITMO-NSS-team/EPDE - it is an equation discovery algorithm. The childs are growing fast and now Mikhail Maslyaev (@Maslyaev) is doing all the things for it.
My second child is TEDEouS https://github.com/ITMO-NSS-team/torch_DE_solver - it is an unusual solver, which handles ALL the equations that EPDE could discover.
My hobby is wave propagation in periodic structures (I have one paper with around 100 citations) and mathematical physics/modelling overall.
I am mostly scientist not programmer, so here is my Scholar https://scholar.google.ru/citations?user=y9YJuk0AAAAJ
- 🔭 I’m currently working on TEDEouS
- 🌱 I’m currently learning differential equation symmetries, Lie groups.
- 💬 Ask me about anything you could find here around.
- 📫 How to reach me: alex_hvatov [at] itmo.ru
- ⚡ Fun fact: being head of the lab is not fun.