An all-in-one tool/library for sideloading iOS apps and talking to Apple Developer Services. Supports macOS and Linux.
- Supersign works out of the box on macOS.
- On Linux, you'll need the development packages of libimobiledevice + its dependencies.
- Alternatively, we provide a Dockerfile that does this for you. See Linux/
$ git clone
$ cd Supersign
$ swift run SupersignCLI --help
OVERVIEW: The Supersign command line tool
USAGE: supersign <subcommand>
-h, --help Show help information.
ds Interact with Apple Developer Services
devices List devices
install Install an ipa file to your device
uninstall Uninstall an installed app
run Run an installed app
See 'supersign help <subcommand>' for detailed help.
Just add it as a SwiftPM dependency!
// package dependency:
.package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "1.2.0"))
// target dependency:
.product(name: "Supersign", package: "Supersign")