Low-abundance Aware Full-length Isoform clusTEr
LAFITE is designated to identify high-consensus full-length isoforms from Nanopore Direct RNA-seq data. LAFITE combines multiple features from reference annotation and DRS reads (TSS, TES, splicing junction, and read polyadenylation event) and is more sensitive to Low-abundance transcripts.
- bedtools
- Minimap2
- nanopolish
- samtools
- Python 3.11
To avoid potential conflicts, we recommend running LAFITE in a conda environment.
conda create -n LAFITE_env -c conda-forge python=3.11
conda activate LAFITE_env
# stable release
pip install LAFITE
# or the latest development version
pip install git+https://github.com/TF-Chan-Lab/LAFITE
Run minimap2 and samtools to generate alignment file in bam format
minimap2 -ax splice -u f -k 14 -G 500000 --secondary=no REFERENCE_FA FASTQ > ALIGNMENT_SAM samtools view -bS ALIGNMENT_SAM|samtools sort - > ALIGNMENT_BAM
LAFITE also supports other splicing-aware long read alignment tools.
Run Nanopolish polya to generate read polyadenylation result (optional but recommend)
Current long-read sequencing technologies (Nanopore cDNA/DRS or PacBio Iso-Seq) are all designed to capture RNA molecules with poly(A) tail. However, RNA fragmentation and pore blocking may bring a considerable part of truncated reads which will interfere downstream analysis. Therefore, LAFITE utilizes the read polyadenylation status reported by Nanopolish to filter reads that have completed the sequencing process.nanopolish index -d PATH_TO_FAST5 -s GUPPY_SEQUENCING_SUMMARY FASTQ nanopolish polya -t NUM_OF_THREADS -r FASTQ -b ALIGNMENT_BAM -g REFERENCE_FA > Nanopolish_PolyA_RES
LAFITE also provides an alternative approach to estimate read polyadenylation status by scanning any poly(A) motifs that existed at the read 3'-end.
usage: lafite [-h] -b BAM [-B BEDTOOLS] -g GTF -f GENOME -o OUTPUT [-n MIN_COUNT_TSS_TES] [-i MIS_INTRON_LENGTH] [-c MIN_NOVEL_TRANS_COUNT] [-s MIN_SINGLE_EXON_COVERAGE] [-l MIN_SINGLE_EXON_LEN] [-L LABEL] [-p POLYA] [-m POLYA_MOTIF_FILE] [-r RELATIVE_ABUNDANCE_THRESHOLD] [-j SHORT_SJ_TAB] [-w SJ_CORRECTION_WINDOW] [--no_full_cleanup] [-t THREAD] [-T TSS_PEAK] [-d TSS_CUTOFF] Low-abundance Aware Full-length Isoform clusTEr optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -b BAM path to the alignment file in bam format -B BEDTOOLS path to the executable bedtools -g GTF path to the reference gene annotation in GTF format -f GENOME path to the reference genome fasta -o OUTPUT path to the output file -n MIN_COUNT_TSS_TES minimum number of reads supporting a alternative TSS or TES, default: 3 -i MIS_INTRON_LENGTH length cutoff for correcting unexpected small intron, default: 150 -c MIN_NOVEL_TRANS_COUNT minimum occurrences required for a isoform from novel loci, default: 3 -s MIN_SINGLE_EXON_COVERAGE minimum read coverage required for a novel single-exon transcript, default: 4 -l MIN_SINGLE_EXON_LEN minimum length for single-exon transcript, default: 100 -L LABEL name prefix for output transcripts, default: LAFT -p POLYA path to the file contains read Polyadenylation event -m POLYA_MOTIF_FILE path to the polya motif file -r RELATIVE_ABUNDANCE_THRESHOLD minimum abundance of the predicted multi-exon transcripts as a fraction of the total transcript assembled at a given locus, default: 0.01 -j SHORT_SJ_TAB path to the short read splice junction file -w SJ_CORRECTION_WINDOW edit distance to reference splicing site for splicing correction, default: 40 --no_full_cleanup keep all intermediate files -t THREAD number of the threads, default: 4 -T TSS_PEAK path to the TSS peak file -d TSS_CUTOFF minimum TSS distance for a transcript to be considered as a novel transcript
LAFITE can run with the following arguments:
LAFITE can also run without the result from nanoplish polya. Then, a Poly(A) motif list must be provided for the corresponding species.
We have provided the Poly(A) motif list for human and mouse retrieved from Tian et al. .lafite -b ALIGNMENT_BAM -g REFERENCE_GTF -f REFERENCE_FA -o OUTPUT_GTF -t NUM_OF_THREADS -m POLYA_MOTIFS_OF_SPECIES
LAFITE accepts the TSS peaks from 5'-end CAGE data for identifying high-confidence TSSs. Users can prepare the TSS data in the following format where:
- The first column is the chromosome name
- The second column is the 0-based start position of the TSS peak
- The third column is the 1-based end position of the TSS peak
- The fourth column is the strand information
LAFITE also accepts the splicing junctions from Illumina short read RNA-seq data to proof the long reads. LAFITE supports the SJ.out.tab from STAR aligner. Users can also prepare the splicing junctions in the following format where:
- The first column is the chromosome name
- The second column is the 0-based start position of the splicing junction
- The third column is the 1-based end position of the splicing junction
- The fourth column is the strand information
LAFITE was developed following the fastai/nbdev framework.