A knowledge graph based personalized education pathway generator.
- Clone the directory
- Open in in your preferred IDE
- Head over to the neo4j installation page and download it (current version is 5.26)
- The knowledge graph DB dump is
. Run the following commands to begin. [Documentation]
neo4j-admin database load neo4j --overwrite-destination=true --from-path=./extras/
neo4j start
- Use sudo for both commands if on linux.
- head over to the localhost neo4j browser page and login. [Default username : neo4j & password : neo4j ]
- go to the neo4j database and check if graph was loaded by running
- Go to
and update database credentials. - Create a virtual env in the directory and run following commands
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 app.py
- Install Node.js (https://nodejs.org/en/download) and make sure it is install correctly
- open terminal in frontend directory
- Run following commands in terminal one after another
npm install
npm run start
- Don't push to main!
- If changes were made to db, update dump file with below command.
neo4j stop
neo4j-admin database dump neo4j --to-path=./extras/
- Improve Educational goals input webpage and switch to React
- Create webpage to display the Path produced(in json file) to the user
- Implement Content filtering for resource recommendation
- Complete database-autofill algorithm
- Improve accuracy of dataset by checking for accidental ',' instead of ';'
- imprive accuracy of algorithm by finetuning number of clusters and linkage(complete,single,average)