Go to the checked out jportal project.
cd /jportal2
We use gradle as our build system. If you checked out jportal the first time run the following command. This will build and start solr (search engine), h2 (database) and the web application.
./gradlew build runSystem runApp
After the command is processed you find the application here and solr here.
To log in use administrator as login name and alleswirdgut as password.
To stop the application just press ENTER in the command line. Be aware that the database and the solr server are still running. To stop those enter
./gradlew stopSystem
Usually its is not necessary to start and stop solr and the database while developing. You can just rebuild the web application.
./gradlew clean build runApp [-PmycoreHome=/Path/to/your/.mcrHome]
After building jportal (see RUN JPORTAL) a *.war file will be created in jportal2/jportal_webapp/build/libs/. You can use this war in your preferred servlet container.
On build time a new configuration folder will be created for jportal. You can find it under ~/.mycore/jportal/
To specify where jportal is installed, you can start your servlet container with -DMCR.Home=/path to the mycore home directory.
If you want to use your own solr you can simply change the url. Open the mycore.properties file and change MCR.Solr.ServerURL to your preferred location.
To change your database go to ~/.mycore/jportal/resources/META-INF/ and edit the persistence.xml
Following groups are created by default.
- editorsgroup
- jpvolume (create, delete)
- jparticle (create, delete)
- person (create, delete)
- jpinst (create, delete)
- derivate (create)
- journalgroup
- jpjournal (create, delete)
- derivategroup
- derivate (delete)
- supervisor
- classifications (create, delete)
- administrate users (create, delete)
- admin
- is allowed to do everything
The groups using a hierarchy system. A user in a higher group has also the rights of all the lower groups.
admin > supervisor > journalgroup > editorsgroup