This is a simple Employee Management System built with Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and React.js. It allows the management of employee details, including adding, viewing, and updating employee information such as employee ID, name, email, salary, and more.
- Add Employee: Add new employees with all necessary details, including their photo.
- Employee List: View a list of all employees in the system.
- Employee Details: View, update, and delete employee details.
- Validation: Form validation to ensure data integrity (e.g., email format, required fields, etc.).
- Toast Notifications: Informative messages shown to the user for success or error events.
- Node.js: JavaScript runtime for building the server-side application.
- Express.js: Web framework for Node.js to handle HTTP requests.
- MongoDB: NoSQL database to store employee data.
- Mongoose: MongoDB object modeling tool for Node.js.
- Multer: Middleware to handle file uploads (for employee photos).
- React.js: JavaScript library for building the user interface.
- React Toastify: Library for showing toast notifications.
- Axios: HTTP client for making API requests to the backend.
- Node.js (version 14 or later)
- MongoDB (can be run locally or use a cloud-based MongoDB like Atlas)
Clone the repository:
git clone <your-repository-url> cd employee-management
Navigate to the backend folder:
cd backend
Install dependencies:
npm install
Set up MongoDB:
- Ensure you have MongoDB running locally, or you can use a cloud instance (MongoDB Atlas).
- Update the connection string in the
file, if necessary.
Run the server:
npm start
The backend will start on
Navigate to the frontend folder:
cd frontend
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run the React app:
npm start
The frontend will run on
- POST /api/employees: Add a new employee.
- GET /api/employees: Get the list of all employees.
- GET /api/employees/:empId: Get employee details by employee ID.
- PUT /api/employees/:empId: Update employee details.
- DELETE /api/employees/:empId: Delete employee details.
employee-management/ │ ├── backend/ │ ├── config/ │ │ └── db.js # MongoDB connection setup │ ├── models/ │ │ └── EmployeeDetails.js # Employee schema │ ├── routes/ │ │ └── employeeRoutes.js # Routes for employee operations │ ├── app.js # Express application setup │ └── server.js # Server entry point │ └── frontend/ ├── src/ │ ├── components/ │ │ ├── EmployeeForm.js # Form component for adding employees │ │ └── EmployeeList.js # Component to display employee list │ ├── App.js # Main app component │ └── index.js # React entry point └── # Project documentation file