C++/SDL2 project to easily visualize fractals(like Mandelbrot Set, Julia Set, Burning Ship Fractal, Koch Snowflake, etc.) on CPU
You need Visual Studio 2015(or above) and you can just open the .sln file.
- You can change to the fractal you want to see in Source.cpp - simply remove the comment from the fractal you want to see and run it!
- If you want to change the coloring you can do that the same way you can change the fractal - go in FractalColors.h (Fractals/FractalColor.h) and then remove the comment from the coloring you want.
It was the performance. It was an issue for fractals like the Mandelbrot Set, Julia Set, etc. I fixed the problem by making them on multiple threads and using AVX2.
For more screenshots(and a video):
Apache-2.0 License