Thanks for your interest in joining the Thrive Dev team. In order for us to better evaluate your experience, skills, and fit for our team, we'd like you complete a small coding challenge designed to test the abilities of mid-senior level back-end engineers
You are building out an ordering API for an e-commerce platform. You're working on the user story "As a user, I can submit my order and payment details to the system, in order to complete my purchase.""
Create a cart, add items, remove items. Total price is retained at current prices of the items, not the price at the time of being added to the cart.
- Items added to cart must exist
- Items added to cart must be in stock
Place an order by providing payment details: cardNo, expiryDate, CVC no, and cartNumber.
- Items in cart must be in stock at time of order
- Cart instance should be converted to an order
- Order should now have itemized static prices equal to price at time of order
- Total reflects the cost of items at time of order
- Returning order number and order status, and total charge.
- API calls must be idempotent
- You must:
- use Typescript in node.js OR a statically-typed language of your choice
- use a REST or graphQL (preferred) as the API layer
- a persistence layer
- The rest of your implementation is down to you (libraries, frameworks, etc)
- Implement best practices of API design
- Consider concurrency
- Read all the requirements. Assessment will be made based on number of requirements satisfied
For your code submission, it's preferred that you send us a link to a GIT repository showing your personal commits, rather than a zip file, but a ZIP is acceptable. Your submission should include:
the code
a complete README on how to run the code, including any environment variables
if you use an RDBM persistence layer , provide the SQL schema as a SQL file
Thank you! Happy coding :)