This Hospital Management System is a Python-based application designed to streamline the management processes within a hospital or medical facility. The system provides various features such as admin login, CRUD operations on doctors and patients, assignment of doctors to patients, relocation of patients between doctors, and interactive visualization of statistics. Additionally, the system can be integrated with the ChatGPT API to detect illnesses based on patient symptoms, allowing for automatic assignment of doctors to patients.
- Admin Login: Secure access for authorized personnel.
- CRUD Operations: Admin can perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations on doctors and patients.
- Assign Doctor to Patient: Admin can assign doctors to patients based on their medical needs.
- Relocate Patients: Admin can transfer patients from one doctor to another.
- Interactive GUI: Provides an interactive Graphical User Interface for easy navigation and operation.
- Interactive Statistics: Displays clear and interactive diagrams for comprehensive statistical analysis.
- Python 3.12.1
- Tkinter (GUI Library)
- Install Python 3.12.1 ( and chosen GUI framework (Tkinter).
- Clone the repository :
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory :
cd Hospital Management System (HMS)
- Install Dependencies :
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Execute the main script (
- Make sure to run from Hospital Management System (HMS) Folder
- Expand ChatGPT integration for more sophisticated diagnostics and treatment recommendations.
- The system can be converted into an executable file using tools like PyInstaller or cx_Freeze for distribution and real-world implementation.
- Birat Gautam
[email protected]