I am creating a series of tools to help create star systems and other space dynamic objects within Godot Engine
For orbits representation I'll be using AU (149.597.870.700 meters) as measurement unit
implement Navigation GUI
- Object Name
- Object Type
- Target position indicator
- plot orbit path
implement orbits algorythm
- Spherical orbit
- Elliptical orbit
- Comet-like orbit
- Calculate transfer manouver
implement camera behaviour
- Set predefined position when selecting Object
- Orbit view (rotate camera around pointed object)
- Cockpit View
- Chase camera
implement Celestial Bodies (planets, stars, meteorites, blackholes)
- Celestial Body (general object that allow to easily integrate general behaviur
- Gravity
- Collision Shape (implemented but not with the dynamic shape)
- LOD (texture)
- LOD (shape)
- LOD (within atmosphere distance)
- LOD (near ground, ground level)
- Celestial Body (general object that allow to easily integrate general behaviur
implement ship
- Ship within phisics object
- Pulse engines
- Autopilot (after transfer manouver algorythm is implemented)
- Ship Editor
Seeking Collaborators to implement what listed above, this can be used as base for different types of space games.