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DellOpenManage Powershell Module

Install Module


  • PowerShell 5+
  • OpenManage Enterprise 3.4+

Scripted Installation

  1. Open PowerShell Command Window
  2. Change your PowerShell Execution Policy Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
  3. CD to the directory where you cloned the Github repo
  4. .\Install-Module.ps1

Manual Installation

  1. Determine module path $Env:PSModulePath
    • PowerShell 5: C:\Users\username\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
    • PowerShell 6+: C:\Users\username\Documents\PowerShell\Modules
  2. Copy the DellOpenManage folder to a directory in your module path
    • Example: C:\Users\username\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\DellOpenManage
  3. List available Modules Get-Module Dell* -ListAvailable
  4. Import module Import-Module DellOpenManage


Integration tests will be performed against all pull requests before merging

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

Command Reference

See Command Reference


Getting Started

See if Module is available

Get-Module Dell* -ListAvailable

List available commandlets in Module

Get-Command -Module "DellOpenManage"

Show help for commandlet

Get-Help Connect-OMEServer -Detailed

Basic Example

  • Copy and paste these commands into a Test.ps1 script or PowerShell ISE and execute the script.
  • This will Import the Module, connect to server prompting for credentials, list servers by model, then disconnect the current session.
Import-Module DellOpenManage

Connect-OMEServer -Name "" -Credentials $(Get-Credential) -IgnoreCertificateWarning

"PowerEdge R640" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "Model" | Format-Table




$credentials = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList "admin", $(ConvertTo-SecureString -Force -AsPlainText "password")
Connect-OMEServer -Name "" -Credentials $credentials -IgnoreCertificateWarning

Connect: Variables

. "C:\Path\To\Credentials.ps1"
$credentials = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $OMEUsername, $(ConvertTo-SecureString -Force -AsPlainText $OMEPassword)
Connect-OMEServer -Name $OMEServer -Credentials $credentials -IgnoreCertificateWarning

Connect: Prompt for Credentials

$credentials = Get-Credential
Connect-OMEServer -Name "" -Credentials $credentials -IgnoreCertificateWarning


Discover servers by hostname

New-OMEDiscovery -Name "TestDiscovery01" -Hosts @('') -DiscoveryUserName "root" -DiscoveryPassword $(ConvertTo-SecureString 'calvin' -AsPlainText -Force) -Wait

Discover servers by IP Address

New-OMEDiscovery -Name "TestDiscovery01" -Hosts @('', '') -DiscoveryUserName "root" -DiscoveryPassword $(ConvertTo-SecureString 'calvin' -AsPlainText -Force) -Wait

Discover servers by Subnet

New-OMEDiscovery -Name "TestDiscovery01" -Hosts @('') -DiscoveryUserName "root" -DiscoveryPassword $(ConvertTo-SecureString 'calvin' -AsPlainText -Force) -Wait

Discover servers by Subnet every Sunday at 12:00AM UTC

New-OMEDiscovery -Name "TestDiscovery01" -Hosts @('') -Schedule "RunLater" -ScheduleCron "0 0 0 ? * sun *" -DiscoveryUserName "root" -DiscoveryPassword $(ConvertTo-SecureString 'calvin' -AsPlainText -Force) -Wait -Verbose

Replace host list and run now

"TestDiscovery01" | Get-OMEDiscovery | Edit-OMEDiscovery -Hosts @('') -DiscoveryUserName "root" -DiscoveryPassword $(ConvertTo-SecureString 'calvin' -AsPlainText -Force) -Wait -Verbose

Append host to host list and run now

"TestDiscovery01" | Get-OMEDiscovery | Edit-OMEDiscovery -Hosts @('') -Mode "Append" -DiscoveryUserName "root" -DiscoveryPassword $(ConvertTo-SecureString 'calvin' -AsPlainText -Force) -Wait -Verbose

Remove host from host list and run now

"TestDiscovery01" | Get-OMEDiscovery | Edit-OMEDiscovery -Hosts @('') -Mode "Remove" -DiscoveryUserName "root" -DiscoveryPassword $(ConvertTo-SecureString 'calvin' -AsPlainText -Force) -Wait -Verbose

Run discovery job now

"TestDiscovery01" | Get-OMEDiscovery | Edit-OMEDiscovery -Schedule "RunNow" -DiscoveryUserName "root" -DiscoveryPassword $(ConvertTo-SecureString 'calvin' -AsPlainText -Force) -Wait -Verbose

Run discovery job every Sunday at 12:00AM UTC

"TestDiscovery01" | Get-OMEDiscovery | Edit-OMEDiscovery -Schedule "RunLater" -ScheduleCron "0 0 0 ? * sun *" -DiscoveryUserName "root" -DiscoveryPassword $(ConvertTo-SecureString 'calvin' -AsPlainText -Force) -Wait -Verbose


Get device by id

10097, 10100 | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "Id" | Format-Table

Get device by service tag

"C86F0ZZ", "3XMHHZZ" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "ServiceTag" | Format-Table

Get device by name

"" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "Name" | Format-Table

Get device by model

"PowerEdge R640" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "Model" | Format-Table

Get device by group

Get-OMEDevice -Group $(Get-OMEGroup "Servers_Win") | Format-Table
"Servers_ESXi", "Servers_Win" | Get-OMEGroup | Get-OMEDevice | Format-Table

Create separate inventory refresh job for each device in list

"PowerEdge R640" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "Model" | Invoke-OMEInventoryRefresh -Verbose

Create one inventory refresh job for all devices in list. Notice the preceeding comma before the device list.

,$("PowerEdge R640" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "Model") | Invoke-OMEInventoryRefresh -Verbose

Device Details

Get all inventory

10097, 10100 | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "Id" | Get-OMEDeviceDetail

Get network cards and mac addresses

"C39P9ZZ", "C39N9ZZ" | Get-OMEDevice | Get-OMEDeviceDetail -InventoryType "serverNetworkInterfaces" | Format-Table

Get firmware inventory

"C39P9ZZ", "C39N9ZZ" | Get-OMEDevice | Get-OMEDeviceDetail -InventoryType "deviceSoftware" | Format-Table

Inventory Types

These are device specific. A full list can be found by querying the OME API at /api/DeviceService/Devices(DeviceId)/InventoryTypes



Get all groups

Get-OMEGroup | Format-Table

Get group by name

Get-OMEGroup "R640Test" | Format-Table

Create a new static group

New-OMEGroup -Name "Test Group 01"

Edit group name and description

Get-OMEGroup "Test Group 01" | Edit-OMEGroup -Name "Test Group 001" -Description "This is a new group"

Add devices to group

Get-OMEGroup "Test Group 01" | Edit-OMEGroup -Devices $("PowerEdge R640" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "Model")

Remove devices from group

Get-OMEGroup "Test Group 01" | Edit-OMEGroup -Mode "Remove" -Devices $("PowerEdge R640" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "Model")

Remove group

Get-OMEGroup "Test Group 01" | Remove-OMEGroup


Power on server

Set-OMEPowerState -State "On" -Devices $("37KP0ZZ" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "ServiceTag")


Create new firmware catalog that points to

New-OMECatalog -Name "Test01"

Create new firmware catalog to a CIFS share (Requires Dell Repository Manager)

New-OMECatalog -Name "CIFSTest" -RepositoryType "CIFS" -Source "" -SourcePath "/Share01/DRM/AllDevices" -CatalogFile "AllDevices_1.01_Catalog.xml" -DomainName "" -Username "Administrator" -Password $("P@ssword1" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)

Create new firmware catalog to a NFS share (Requires Dell Repository Manager)

New-OMECatalog -Name "NFSTest" -RepositoryType "NFS" -Source "" -SourcePath "/mnt/data/drm/AllDevices" -CatalogFile "AllDevices_1.01_Catalog.xml"

Get firmware catalog

Get-OMECatalog | Format-Table
"DRM" | Get-OMECatalog | Format-Table

Get firmware baseline

Get-OMEFirmwareBaseline | Format-Table
"AllLatest" | Get-OMEFirmwareBaseline | Get-OMEFirmwareCompliance | Format-Table

Get device firmware compliance report

$devices = $("C86CZZZ" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "ServiceTag")
"AllLatest" | Get-OMEFirmwareBaseline | Get-OMEFirmwareCompliance -DeviceFilter $devices |
    Select-Object -Property ServiceTag,DeviceModel,DeviceName,CurrentVersion,Version,UpdateAction,ComplianceStatus,Name | Format-Table

Get device firmware compliance report. BIOS only.

"AllLatest" | Get-OMEFirmwareBaseline | Get-OMEFirmwareCompliance -ComponentFilter "BIOS" |
    Select-Object -Property ServiceTag,DeviceModel,DeviceName,CurrentVersion,Version,UpdateAction,ComplianceStatus,Name |
    Sort-Object CurrentVersion | Format-Table

Create new firmware baseline

$catalog = $("Auto-Update-Online" | Get-OMECatalog)
$devices = $("C86CZZZ" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "ServiceTag")
New-OMEFirmwareBaseline -Name "TestBaseline01" -Catalog $catalog -Devices $devices

Create new firmware baseline for downgrades

$catalog = $("Auto-Update-Online" | Get-OMECatalog)
$devices = $("C86CZZZ" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "ServiceTag")
New-OMEFirmwareBaseline -Name "TestBaseline01" -Catalog $catalog -Devices $devices -AllowDowngrade

Display device compliance report for all devices in baseline. No updates are installed by default.

Update-OMEFirmware -Baseline $("AllLatest" | Get-OMEFirmwareBaseline) | Format-Table

Update firmware on all devices in baseline immediately ***Warning: This will force a reboot of all servers

$devices = $("CY85DZZ" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "ServiceTag")
$baseline = $("AllLatest" | Get-OMEFirmwareBaseline)
Update-OMEFirmware -Baseline $baseline -UpdateSchedule "RebootNow" -Wait

Update firmware on all devices in baseline on next reboot

Update-OMEFirmware -Baseline $("AllLatest" | Get-OMEFirmwareBaseline) -UpdateSchedule "StageForNextReboot"

Update firmware on specific devices in baseline immediately ***Warning: This will force a reboot of all servers

Update-OMEFirmware -Baseline $("AllLatest" | Get-OMEFirmwareBaseline) -DeviceFilter $("C86CZZZ" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "ServiceTag") -UpdateSchedule "RebootNow" -Wait

Downgrade firmware on specific devices in baseline immediately ***Warning: This will force a reboot of all servers

Update-OMEFirmware -Baseline $("AllLatest" | Get-OMEFirmwareBaseline) -DeviceFilter $("C86CZZZ" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "ServiceTag") -UpdateSchedule "RebootNow" -UpdateAction "Downgrade" -Wait

Update firmware on specific components in baseline on next reboot and clear job queue

Update-OMEFirmware -Baseline $("AllLatest" | Get-OMEFirmwareBaseline) -ComponentFilter "iDRAC" -UpdateSchedule "StageForNextReboot" -ClearJobQueue

Update firmware later scheduled at 11/1/2020 12:00AM UTC

Update-OMEFirmware -Baseline $("AllLatest" | Get-OMEFirmwareBaseline) -DeviceFilter $("C86CZZZ" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "ServiceTag") -UpdateSchedule "ScheduleLater" -UpdateScheduleCron "0 0 0 1 11 ?"


Get all templates

Get-OMETemplate | Format-Table

Get template by name

"DRM" | Get-OMETemplate | Format-Table

Get template by type

"Deployment" | Get-OMETemplate -FilterBy "Type" | Format-Table

Get template when templates with similar names exist

Get-OMETemplate | Where-Object -Property "Name" -EQ "Test Template "

Create new deployment template from source device

New-OMETemplateFromDevice -Name "TestTemplate" -Device $("37KP0ZZ" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "ServiceTag") -Wait

Create new deployment template from source device and capture specific components

New-OMETemplateFromDevice -Name "TestTemplate" -Component "iDRAC", "BIOS" -Device $("37KP0ZZ" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "ServiceTag") -Wait

Create new deployment template from XML string

$xml = @'
    <Component FQDD="iDRAC.Embedded.1">
        <Attribute Name="Users.5#UserName">testuser</Attribute>
New-OMETemplateFromFile -Name "TestTemplate" -Content $xml

Create new deployment template from XML file

New-OMETemplateFromFile -Name "TestTemplate" -Content $(Get-Content -Path .\Data.xml | Out-String)

Deploy template to device

"TestTemplate" | Get-OMETemplate | Invoke-OMETemplateDeploy -Devices $("37KP0ZZ" | Get-OMEDevice) -Wait

Deploy template and boot to network ISO over NFS

"TestTemplate" | Get-OMETemplate | Invoke-OMETemplateDeploy -Devices $("37KP0ZZ" | Get-OMEDevice) -NetworkBootShareType "NFS" -NetworkBootShareIpAddress "" -NetworkBootIsoPath "/mnt/data/iso/CentOS7-Unattended.iso" -Wait

Deploy template and boot to network ISO over CIFS

"TestTemplate" | Get-OMETemplate | Invoke-OMETemplateDeploy -Devices $("37KP0ZZ" | Get-OMEDevice) -NetworkBootShareType "CIFS" -NetworkBootShareIpAddress "" -NetworkBootIsoPath "/Share/ISO/CentOS7-Unattended.iso" -NetworkBootShareUser "Administrator" -NetworkBootSharePassword "Password" -NetworkBootShareName "Share" -Wait

Clone template using default name "TestTemplate01 - Clone"

"TestTemplate01" | Get-OMETemplate | Copy-OMETemplate

Clone template using default name "TestTemplate01 - Clone" when multiple templates with similar names exist

$(Get-OMETemplate | Where-Object -Property "Name" -EQ "TestTemplate") | Copy-OMETemplate

Clone template and specify new name

"TestTemplate01" | Get-OMETemplate | Copy-OMETemplate -Name "TestTemplate02"

Clone template including Identity Pool, VLANs and Teaming

"TestTemplate01" | Get-OMETemplate | Copy-OMETemplate -All

Configuration Compliance

Get template by type

"Configuration" | Get-OMETemplate -FilterBy "Type" | Format-Table

Create new configuration compliance template from source device

New-OMETemplateFromDevice -Name "TestTemplate" -TemplateType "Configuration" -Device $("37KP0ZZ" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "ServiceTag") -Wait

Create new configuration compliance template from XML file

New-OMETemplateFromFile -Name "TestTemplate" -TemplateType "Configuration" -Content $(Get-Content -Path .\Data.xml | Out-String)

Create new configuration compliance baseline

New-OMEConfigurationBaseline -Name "TestBaseline01" -Template $("Template01" | Get-OMETemplate -FilterBy "Name") -Devices $("37KPZZZ" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "ServiceTag") -Wait -Verbose

Update configuration compliance on all devices in baseline This will force a reboot if necessary

Update-OMEConfiguration -Name "Make Compliant Test01" -Baseline $("TestBaseline01" | Get-OMEConfigurationBaseline) -Wait -Verbose

Update configuration compliance on filtered devices in baseline This will force a reboot if necessary

Update-OMEConfiguration -Name "Make Compliant Test01" -Baseline $("TestBaseline01" | Get-OMEConfigurationBaseline) -DeviceFilter $("C86CZZZ" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "ServiceTag") -Wait -Verbose

Check configuration compliance for baseline

$("TestBaseline01" | Get-OMEConfigurationBaseline -FilterBy "Name") | Invoke-OMEConfigurationBaselineRefresh -Wait -Verbose


Unassign profile by device

Invoke-OMEProfileUnassign -Device $("37KP0ZZ" | Get-OMEDevice) -Wait -Verbose

Unassign profile on multiple devices

$("37KP0ZZ", "37KT0ZZ" | Get-OMEDevice) | Invoke-OMEProfileUnassign -Wait -Verbose

Unassign profile by template

Invoke-OMEProfileUnassign -Template $("TestTemplate01" | Get-OMETemplate) -Wait -Verbose

Unassign profile by profile name

Invoke-OMEProfileUnassign -ProfileName "Profile from template 'TestTemplate01' 00001" -Wait -Verbose


List all jobs

Get-OMEJob | Format-Table

Get job details by Id

13852 | Get-OMEJob -Detail -Verbose

Get job by job type

5 | Get-OMEJob -FilterBy "Type" | Format-Table

Get job by last run status

2060 | Get-OMEJob -FilterBy "LastRunStatus" | Format-Table

Get job by state

"Enabled" | Get-OMEJob -FilterBy "State" | Format-Table

Run job

28991 | Invoke-OMEJobRun -Wait -Verbose


Run report

Invoke-Report -ReportId 11709

Directory Services (Active Directory and LDAP)

Test AD Directory Service using Global Catalog Lookup

New-OMEDirectoryService -Name "LAB.LOCAL" -DirectoryType "AD" `
    -DirectoryServerLookup "DNS" -DirectoryServers @("lab.local") -ADGroupDomain "lab.local" `
    -TestConnection -TestUserName "[email protected]" -TestPassword $(ConvertTo-SecureString 'calvin' -AsPlainText -Force) -Verbose

Create AD Directory Service using Global Catalog Lookup

New-OMEDirectoryService -Name "LAB.LOCAL" -DirectoryType "AD" `
    -DirectoryServerLookup "DNS" -DirectoryServers @("lab.local") -ADGroupDomain "lab.local"

Create AD Directory Service using Global Catalog Lookup with Certificate Validation

New-OMEDirectoryService -Name "LAB.LOCAL" -DirectoryType "AD" -DirectoryServerLookup "DNS" -DirectoryServers @("lab.local") -ADGroupDomain "lab.local" -CertificateValidation -CertificateFile "C:\Temp\CA.cer"

Create AD Directory Service manually specifing Domain Controllers

New-OMEDirectoryService -Name "LAB.LOCAL" -DirectoryType "AD" `
    -DirectoryServerLookup "MANUAL" -DirectoryServers @("ad1.lab.local", "ad2.lab.local") -ADGroupDomain "lab.local"

Create LDAP Directory Service

New-OMEDirectoryService -Name "LAB.LOCAL" -DirectoryType "LDAP" `
    -DirectoryServerLookup "MANUAL" -DirectoryServers @("ldap1.lab.local", "ldap2.lab.local") `
    -LDAPBaseDistinguishedName "dc=lab,dc=local"

Import directory group

$AD = Get-OMEDirectoryService -DirectoryType "AD" -Name "LAB.LOCAL"
$ADGroups = Get-OMEDirectoryServiceSearch -Name "Admin" -DirectoryService $AD
$Role = Get-OMERole -Name "chassis"
Invoke-OMEDirectoryServiceImportGroup -DirectoryService $AD -DirectoryGroups $ADGroups -DirectoryType "AD" -UserName "[email protected]" -Password $(ConvertTo-SecureString 'calvin' -AsPlainText -Force)) -Role $Role -Verbose

Directory Services (Active Directory and LDAP)

Test AD Directory Service using Global Catalog Lookup

New-OMEDirectoryService -Name "LAB.LOCAL" -DirectoryType "AD" `
    -DirectoryServerLookup "DNS" -DirectoryServers @("lab.local") -ADGroupDomain "lab.local" `
    -TestConnection -TestUserName "[email protected]" -TestPassword $(ConvertTo-SecureString 'calvin' -AsPlainText -Force) -Verbose

Create AD Directory Service using Global Catalog Lookup

New-OMEDirectoryService -Name "LAB.LOCAL" -DirectoryType "AD" `
    -DirectoryServerLookup "DNS" -DirectoryServers @("lab.local") -ADGroupDomain "lab.local"

Create AD Directory Service using Global Catalog Lookup with Certificate Validation

New-OMEDirectoryService -Name "LAB.LOCAL" -DirectoryType "AD" -DirectoryServerLookup "DNS" -DirectoryServers @("lab.local") -ADGroupDomain "lab.local" -CertificateValidation -CertificateFile "C:\Temp\CA.cer"

Create AD Directory Service manually specifing Domain Controllers

New-OMEDirectoryService -Name "LAB.LOCAL" -DirectoryType "AD" `
    -DirectoryServerLookup "MANUAL" -DirectoryServers @("ad1.lab.local", "ad2.lab.local") -ADGroupDomain "lab.local"

Create LDAP Directory Service

New-OMEDirectoryService -Name "LAB.LOCAL" -DirectoryType "LDAP" `
    -DirectoryServerLookup "MANUAL" -DirectoryServers @("ldap1.lab.local", "ldap2.lab.local") `
    -LDAPBaseDistinguishedName "dc=lab,dc=local"

Import directory group

$AD = Get-OMEDirectoryService -DirectoryType "AD" -Name "LAB.LOCAL"
$ADGroups = Get-OMEDirectoryServiceSearch -Name "Admin" -DirectoryService $AD
$Role = Get-OMERole -Name "chassis"
Invoke-OMEDirectoryServiceImportGroup -DirectoryService $AD -DirectoryGroups $ADGroups -DirectoryType "AD" -UserName "[email protected]" -Password $(ConvertTo-SecureString 'calvin' -AsPlainText -Force)) -Role $Role -Verbose

Backup (Restore must be performed in OME-M at this time)

Backup chassis to CIFS share now

$MXChassis = @("LEAD" | Get-OMEMXDomain | Select-Object -First 1)

Invoke-OMEApplianceBackup -Chassis $MXChassis -Share "" -SharePath "/SHARE" -ShareType "CIFS" `
    -UserName "Administrator" -Password $(ConvertTo-SecureString 'calvin' -AsPlainText -Force) `
    -BackupFile "BACKUP_$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss'))" `
    -IncludePw -IncludeCertificates -EncryptionPassword $(ConvertTo-SecureString 'nkQ*DTrNK7$b' -AsPlainText -Force) -Wait -Verbose

Backup chassis to NFS share now

$MXChassis = @("LEAD" | Get-OMEMXDomain | Select-Object -First 1)

Invoke-OMEApplianceBackup -Chassis $MXChassis -Share "" -SharePath "/mnt/data/backup" -ShareType "NFS" `
    -BackupFile "BACKUP_$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss'))" `
    -IncludePw -IncludeCertificates -EncryptionPassword $(ConvertTo-SecureString 'nkQ*DTrNK7$b' -AsPlainText -Force) -Wait -Verbose

Backup chassis to NFS share on schedule every Sunday at 12:00AM UTC

$MXChassis = @("LEAD" | Get-OMEMXDomain | Select-Object -First 1)

Invoke-OMEApplianceBackup -Chassis $MXChassis -Share "" -SharePath "/mnt/data/backup" -ShareType "NFS" `
    -BackupFile "BACKUP_$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss'))" -ScheduleCron '0 0 0 ? * sun *' `
    -IncludePw -IncludeCertificates -EncryptionPassword $(ConvertTo-SecureString 'nkQ*DTrNK7$b' -AsPlainText -Force) -Wait -Verbose

Services Plugin (aka Support Assist)

Get Support cases for device by Service Tag

"C38V9T2" | Get-OMESupportAssistCase -Verbose

Export example json used to create new Support Assist group

New-OMESupportAssistGroup -ExportExampleJson 

Create new Support Assist group from file

New-OMESupportAssistGroup -AddGroup $(Get-Content "C:\Temp\Group.json" -Raw) -Verbose

Edit Support Assist group

$TestSupportAssistGroup = '{
    "MyAccountId": "",
    "Name": "Support Assist Group 2",
    "Description": "Support Assist Group",
    "DispatchOptIn": false,
    "CustomerDetails": null,
    "ContactOptIn":  false
"Support Assist Group 1" | Get-OMEGroup | Edit-OMESupportAssistGroup -EditGroup $TestSupportAssistGroup -Verbose

Add devices to Support Assist group

$devices = $("859N3L3", "759N3L3" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "ServiceTag")
"Support Assist Group 1" | Get-OMEGroup | Edit-OMESupportAssistGroup -Devices $devices -Verbose

Remove devices from Support Assist group

$devices = $("859N3L3", "759N3L3" | Get-OMEDevice -FilterBy "ServiceTag")
"Support Assist Group 1"  | Get-OMEGroup | Edit-OMESupportAssistGroup -Mode "Remove" -Devices $devices -Verbose

Remove Support Assist group

"Support Assist Group 1" | Get-OMEGroup | Remove-OMESupportAssistGroup

Other Examples

Error Handling and Control Flow

The -ErrorAction common parameter allows you to specify which action to take if a command fails. The available options are: Stop, Continue, SilentlyContinue, Ignore, or Inquire. By default, Windows PowerShell uses an error action preference of Continue, which means that errors will be written out to the host, but the script will continue to execute.


Verbose Output

  • Append -Verbose to any command

Redirect ALL output to file

Update-OMEFirmware -Baseline $("AllLatest" | Get-OMEFirmwareBaseline) -UpdateSchedule "StageForNextReboot" *> firmware.txt


This code is provided as-is and currently not officially supported by Dell EMC.

To report problems or provide feedback


Copyright Dell EMC


No description, website, or topics provided.







No releases published


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  • PowerShell 100.0%