A small project to learn c++
This repository contains three modules: a .ply file parser, a mesh/graph operator toolset, and a simple render library.
The goal was to implement a fast and simple meshviewer using shaders and c++. All transformations are matrix-free and rely on quaternions to keep things simple and efficient.
- displays multiples meshes
- flat shading + specular highlight
- colormaps
- zoom and rotation with the mouse
- shows the current orientation
- perspective projection
- animation using a callback function
- plots 3d vector fields handling large amounts of vectors
- plots 3d curves using extrusion in geometry shader
- curvature, normal, ordered one-ring, and ordered-adjacency computation
- fast edge splitting algorithm, preserving data locality
- Primitives: torus, icosahedron, tetrahedron, cube
- Linux
- make
- opengl 4.6
- glfw
The command line executable can be compiled with,
make -C src ../meshviewer
The Mesh module has a specific test directory for unit testing. The tests are run with make using Linux diff command and reference files.
./meshviewer meshes/deform.ply
Code API example:
// Reads a ply file and show the object and it's curvature
#include "mesh/mesh.hpp"
#include "ply/plyfile.hpp"
#include "render/colormap.hpp"
#include "render/trimesh_render.hpp"
#include <vector>
auto main() -> int {
PlyFile file("meshes/deformHQ.ply");
// Retrieves the vertice normals from the file.
std::vector<PropertyName> normal_property_names = {
PropertyName::nx, PropertyName::ny, PropertyName::nz};
std::vector<double> normals;
file.get_subelement_data<double>("vertices", normal_property_names, normals);
// Creates a mesh object from file data
Mesh mesh(file.vertices, file.faces);
// Computes the curvature to define the colors of the rendered object.
// get_mean_curvature takes one_ring as argument to make explicit that the
// method depends on the one-ring and leave the choice to the user to update explicitly.
std::vector<double> kn = mesh.get_mean_curvature(mesh.one_ring);
std::vector<double> k = mesh.get_scalar_mean_curvature(kn);
std::vector<double> colors = Colormap::get_interpolated_colors(k, Colormap::INFERNO);
MeshRender render(500, 500);
render.add_mesh(mesh.vertices, mesh.faces, colors);
// adding another mesh to the display
Mesh icosahedron = Primitives::icosahedron();
render.add_mesh(icosahedron.vertices, icosahedron.faces);
render.render_loop(nullptr, nullptr);
return 0;