R code and data for a landscape scan of data services at academic libraries
This work generally focuses on four questions:
- Which research data services does an academic library provide?
- For a subset of those services, what form does the support come in? i.e. consulting, instruction, or web resources?
- Are there differences in support between three categories of services: data management, geospatial, and data science?
- How does library resourcing (i.e. salaries) affect the number of research data services?
Using direct survey of web resources, we investigated the services offered at 25 Research 1 universities in the United States of America.
The following R packages are used in this work:
- dplyr
- ggplot2
- ggpubr
- lme4
- multcomp
- readr
- stringr
- tidyr
- data: data used in this work; see data/README.md for more information
- eda: preliminary exploratory data analyses; see eda/README.md for more information
- output: destination for outputs like plots; files are not under version control
- scripts: R scripts with bulk of analysis and data visualization for this project; see scripts/README.md for more information