###Phase 2
- fix stddev/var aggregates
- better way to deal w/ limit of hdb
- double check how we handle arrays
- complete functions list
- do old and new kdb timestamps work together?
- no user permissions in connector
- clean up patch for dremio-oss to add connector
- limit + hdb
###Phase 2
- parallelize queries - need to build a metadata store
- join push down
- have to push down 'having' correctly...fby is the ticket
- elastic style snippet pushdown
- functions/views
- asof
- xbar improvement to allow by eg 5 min rather than just 1 min
- median/percentile, first/last, custom functions
- 0-gc c.java
- cost tuning
- test reflections + kdb
- add proper filter: only run agaisnt hdb if has limit, is sample, has partition clause (see email)
- ensure that dates and times are converted correctly