The Vernam Filesystem (VernamFS) is a FUSE-based filesystem for storing data securely. It is suited to remote deployment of systems ('sensors') that collect/store data that should not be readable by others. It uses a one-time pad (OTP) file, or whole device, for its persistent storage. The pad is used up as data is written to it.
The basic idea is that you create two identical copies of a OTP. One copy goes into the field (we use the term remote unit) to hold files which can be written but not read. The other copy goes in a vault. After the remote unit is recovered, its OTP is combined with the vault copy to recover the remote data.
The VernamFS is a write-only filesystem. Data written to it is unreadable, even by the VernamFS code itself! The only information leaked by the filesystem is knowledge of allocated file counts and percentage of the remote OTP used. No information is leaked about file content, nor even file sizes (!) nor even file names (!!).
Due to the simple bitwise-XOR operation at the center of everything in the OTP domain, the VernamFS is also very cheap in terms of CPU cycles and thus power consumption. It is much cheaper than traditional disk encrypting techniques, which typically use block ciphers such as AES. Further, it needs no cryptographic keys, so the key distribution problem is moot. Finally, it is not reliant on the quality (or lack thereof!) of any random number generator (RNG). It needs only bitwise-XOR.
This git repository follows Driessen's strategies for branching and release management. The latest tagged release is 1.0.1, which is also the head of the master branch. The ChangeLog gives a release history. The develop branch likely contains ideas/code newer than that most recent tag.
Though VernamFS is a standalone application and is unlikely to become a dependency of any other work, we follow the model of semantic versioning for all tagged releases.
VernamFS is standard Unix/C code, packaged with a Makefile. It depends upon, and uses, FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace). It has so far been built and tested on both Debian and Fedora variants of Linux. It may build on other systems (there are FUSE ports for Mac OS, but not for Windows), but is untested. In theory, the OTP logic in VernamFS could be separated from the FUSE parts and packaged as an standalone API/library. This has not been done to date.
To build VernamFS on Linux, these tools/libraries are required:
GNU make
pkg-config, used in the Makefile
FUSE header (.h) and library (.a, .so) files
Useful by not required: xxd, strings for binary data inspection
For FUSE, check existence of /usr/include/fuse.h. If missing, install fuse development package. On Fedora-based systems:
$ sudo yum install fuse-devel
On Debian-based systems:
$ sudo apt-get install libfuse-dev
We have built VernamFS for both x86 and ARM environments (our remotely-deployed sensor is ARM-based). Most likely, you want to try it on your laptop/desktop, a so-called 'native' environment. The code is built and runs on the same the machine/architecture:
$ cd /path/to/vernamfs
$ make
$ ./vernamfs
should produce a short usage/help summary.
As with git, there is just a single binary for VernamFS, namely 'vernamfs'. It does different tasks based on subcommands.
First step is to create a one-time pad file. Traditional Linux way is via /dev/random (best, but slowest) or /dev/urandom (inferior, but faster). This dd will create a 1MB one-time pad in file OTP:
$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=OTP count=2048
For a larger one-time pad, using /dev/random in particular could take a looooong time.
An alternative method for OTP creation is available within VernamFS itself, via the generate subcommand. This uses a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator (CSPRNG), namely the block cipher AES in CTR mode. The cipher is applied to output 16 bytes as many times as is required to produce the desired length of OTP, with the CTR incremented at each step. The user just supplies the AES key. A canned one, of all zeros, is also available for testing.
The generate subcommand must also be fed the desired one-time pad size. We do this by supplying the base2 log of that size as a command argument. Here's how to generate a 1MB (2^20) OTP using the all-zeros test key. The result of the generator is written to stdout, so use a redirect to capture it to a file/device:
$ ./vernamfs generate -z 20 > OTP
$ ./vernamfs generate -z 30 > /dev/sdCard
In the case of a real, user-derived key, the generator expects a hex-encoded key on stdin. A 16-byte key is easily obtained by taking the MD5 sum of any text:
$ echo The cat sat on the mat | md5sum | cut -b 1-32 > KEY
and that key fed to the generator via pipe or redirect:
$ ./vernamfs generate 20 < KEY > OTP
$ cat KEY | ./vernamfs generate 30 > /dev/sdCard
All filesystems need some 'boot-sector'-like data structure for housekeeping. In VernamFS, this is a minimal 'header' of about 128 bytes. It is written at the beginning of the OTP. This header is the only area of the OTP which is subsequently read-write, and so could leak information to an adversary. The remainder of the OTP will be write-only.
The init subcommand is used to initialize the OTP. We have to decide the maximum number of files we expect to create on the OTP, say 1024, at initialization time:
$ ./vernamfs init OTP 1024
We can inspect the resultant 'header' on the OTP via the info subcommand, which simply pretty-prints the stored header:
$ ./vernamfs info OTP
// Expert-mode, shows all header members
$ ./vernamfs info OTP -e
The info command can be run at any time, not just after initialization.
We now make a copy of the OTP and put it in a 'vault' for safe keeping:
$ cp OTP OTP.V
$ mv OTP.V /some/safe/place
The vault copy must never be written, so we might at least also do this:
$ chmod a-w OTP.V
A truly random OTP and one generated by a CSPRNG (e.g. AES/CTR) method actually have different vault storage requirements. In the truly random case, the entire OTP must be stored, since it cannot be re-created. In the CSPRNG case, only the initial key needs safe-guarding. The actual OTP need not be stored at all; it can be regenerated at will.
The initial OTP is then deployed to the remote unit. Henceforth we shall use 'remote' and 'vault' in the shell prompt string to denote where commands are run.
With the original OTP now installed in the remote unit, along with the vernamfs program, we make the OTP available for writing processes. This uses the magic of FUSE, making the VernamFS largely transparent to the remote filesystem user. The mount subcommand initiates a FUSE daemon process:
# Create a mount point
remote$ mkdir mnt
# This backgrounds to become a daemon process
remote$ vernamfs mount OTP mnt
# Check the mount point is available
remote$ mount
To see debug, run in the foreground, in a dedicated terminal:
remote$ vernamfs mount OTP -f mnt
We can now store data onto our OTP as easily as writing to any other location. This sequence stores data for three files into the VernamFS:
remote$ echo MyData > mnt/File1
remote$ cp File2 mnt
remote$ seq 1000 > mnt/File3
Operations on the VernamFS are of course not limited to existing programs (echo,cp,seq,etc). Any program which uses the open/write/close system call sequence can use the VernamFS.
One unfortunate property of the VernamFS, due entirely to how FUSE and the Linux VFS subsystem work, is that no directories are possible under the mountpoint. We have to make do with a single directory:
remote$ mkdir mnt/someDir
mkdir: cannot create directory `mnt/someDir':File exists
is the rather confusing response from a mkdir attempt. If directories were allowed, the filesystem would have to be able to distinguish between names that denoted regular files and names that denoted directories. This in turn implies that the filesystem can remember names. It cannot. They are XOR-encrypted when written to disk, just like the file content.
VernamFS isn't really a filesystem at all. It doesn't really deal in 'files' as we know them. Instead, a VernamFS is more a growing list of elements E where each E is a pair: a name string S which resembles a file path and some content C (a byte sequence) associated with S. Elements can be added, but never removed. Moreover, elements cannot be listed (an unlistable list!), so we cannot print any name S. Nor can we read any C. There are no owners, groups, permissions, creation times, etc. S and C is all there is for any given 'file'.
The filesystem is truly write-only. These read operation fail:
remote$ ls mnt
Operation not supported
remote$ cat mnt/File1
Operation not supported
The VernamFS mountpoint is closed down like any other FUSE-based filesystem:
remote$ fusermount -u mnt
# Check the mount point is now unavailable
remote$ mount
which is likely performed during system shutdown. The unmount will cause the VernamFS daemon to exit.
Of course, it is trivial to simply side-step the VernamFS (which just controls the mountpoint) and inspect the backing store OTP file itself:
remote$ xxd -l 128 OTP
will reveal the VernamFS header. It still has the magic number at offset 0 installed by the init subcommand. At specific offsets are two cursors pointing to (1) the next free file in the 'file allocation table' and (2) the next free data chunk. You could monitor them changing as files are written to the VernamFS.
Once past the header however, nothing about any of the write operations above (echo, cp, seq) is locatable, neither by file name:
# We know we wrote to 'File1', the target of the echo command
remote$ strings OTP | grep File1
nor by file content:
# We know we wrote the content '1000', produced by the seq command
remote$ strings OTP | grep 1000
We have seen above that the VernamFS can be written to but never read. Thus data in the field is completely unintelligible to anyone gaining access to the remote unit.
Once the field unit, with its OTP, is recovered and transported back to the vault location, it is simply combined with the vault copy and the original stored data recovered. This is essentially one large XOR operation over the entire (used portion) of the OTPs. The VernamFS recover subcommand handles this operation. We supply a directory to hold all the newly-created files:
vault$ ship remote OTP to here
vault$ mv /some/safe/place/OTP.V .
vault$ mkdir data
vault$ vernamfs recover OTP OTP.V data
As per the requirements of any OTP, we can never re-use the pad data. After the recovery is complete:
vault$ rm OTP OTP.V
In some cases, it might be possible to query the remote unit during deployment, i.e. before final recovery. If so, it is likely also possible to send back portions of the remote data to the local vault location. Obviously the data stored on the remote unit OTP is encrypted. We cannot understand it, but if we can access it, and can ship it back to the vault location, we can apply the recover operation above to selected parts of the OTPs only.
The first step in this 'in-mission access' situation is to get the remote unit's file table. This is the meta data which describes file names, content lengths and content offsets. The rls (remote ls) subcommand is used:
remote$ vernamfs rls OTP
which produces a binary blob. Can at least inspect it using xxd:
remote$ vernamfs rls OTP | xxd
The rls result would then be saved to a file and shipped back to the vault location:
# The temp file name used is arbitrary
remote$ vernamfs rls OTP > rls.result
remote$ ship rls.result to vault
# Delete the temp file, though it leaks no more info than the header
remote$ rm/scrub rls.result
The rls listing reveals nothing about names File1, File2, File3. This is due to the logic inherent in the VernamFS. Each byte of those names was XOR'ed with the original OTP and the result written back to the same location in the pad, thus overwriting the original byte value.
However, combined with the vault (read-only!) copy of the original OTP, the listing is deciphered. The vls (vault ls) subcommand is used. We supply the rls result as a file argument:
vault$ vernamfs vls OTP.V rls.result
/File1 0x2000 0x4
/File2 0x3000 0x0
/File3 0x4000 0xf35
The original file names, together with content offsets and lengths, are produced on stdout. The result above says that File1 is 4 bytes in length, and sits 8192 (0x2000) bytes into the remote OTP.
To aid in-lab testing, where remote and vault locations can in fact be the same directory on a single host, vls can also accept the rls result on stdin. Then either a Unix pipe or file redirect can be used:
lab$ vernamfs rls OTP | vernamfs vls OTP.V
lab$ vernamfs rls OTP > rls.result
lab$ vernamfs vls OTP.V < rls.result
For direct comparison of the in-lab vls result with that of the original rls result, we can use the -r option (print raw) to vls, together with xxd:
lab$ vernamfs rls OTP | vernamfs vls -r OTP.V | xxd
The true file meta data is clearly identifiable in the listing. Contrast this with the earlier remote-only result:
lab$ vernamfs rls OTP | xxd
The vls result is inspected for file names of interest. The offset and length of relevant files are then fed into rcat (remote cat), currently one at a time. The VernamFS rcat subcommand retrieves the still-enciphered remote data at the correct location in the remote OTP. We are accessing the remote content by offset, which is possible, rather than by name, which is not.
This example extracts the content, still encrypted, of File1:
# Transcribe the offset, length values for File1 from vls to here
remote$ vernamfs rcat OTP 0x2000 4 | xxd
The xxd listing shows the still-enciphered content of File1.
In practice, the rcat output is stored to a file, which is then shipped back to the vault location:
# The temp file name used is arbitrary
remote$ vernamfs rcat OTP 0x2000 4 > rcat.0x2000.4
remote$ ship rcat.0x2000.4 to vault
# Delete the temp file so as to not leak any offset,length info
remote$ rm/scrub rcat.0x2000.4
The final step is to XOR this blob with the vault OTP at the matching location. The vcat (vault cat) subcommand is used for this:
vault$ vernamfs vcat OTP.V rcat.0x2000.4
and the result printed to stdout. We'd likely re-direct this to a local name matching that in the vls listing:
vault$ vernamfs vcat OTP.V rcat.0x2000.4 > File1
If the rls result is still available, it can automate the saving of the recovered data to a file whose name matches that on the remote unit. It is passed as an optional third argument to vcat:
vault$ vernamfs vcat OTP.V rcat.0x2000.4 rls.result
will create and populate ./File1.
VernamFS uses a file or whole device which starts life as a one-time pad, i.e a stream of random bytes. VernamFS imposes a basic structure on that file: a header, a file metadata area, and a content area.
For every file allocation and file content write, the following happens. First, we allocate a new file by using the next available file table entry in the file allocation table. This available entry is stored in the header. The file name to be stored is XOR'ed with the contents of the OTP at that location, and the results written back to the OTP at the same location. A similar sequence of 'allocate space, read OTP content, XOR with new file content, write results back to OTP' is performed for file content storage.
On SD cards (and other persistent storage device types), is there any remnant of the original OTP byte B once overwritten with the XOR'ed result C of B with data byte D?? If yes, then having C and B reveals D!
VernamFS named after Gilbert Vernam, a pioneer in the field of data security and one-time-pads.
Original Idea for the OneTimePad FileSystem by Richard Campbell. This implementation by Stuart Maclean.
Stuart Maclean
Applied Physics Laboratory
University of Washington
mail2 stuart AT apl DOT washington DOT edu