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Android Development

trevj edited this page Dec 7, 2016 · 20 revisions

uProxy can now be built for Android using the Cordova Chrome Apps (CCA) tool, a.k.a. Chrome Apps for Mobile Toolchain.


The fast way

Use our Android Docker image:

./tools/build_env/ -v android yarn run grunt android_debug

Note: Subsequent builds can be sped up with grunt android_debug_lite. Use this if you've only changed HTML and TypeScript.

The long way


  • You need Xcode 6.4 (7 will not work!).
  • Things are easy for Homebrew users: brew install android-sdk android-ndk
  • If you don't have Homebrew, you will need to:
    • install the Android SDK
    • set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable to Android SDK's path, e.g. export ANDROID_HOME=/usr/local/opt/android-sdk (you may want to persist this in your .bashrc)
    • install the Android NDK


  • Install the Android SDK:
    • Open the downloads page and search for "just the command line tools".
    • Download the .tgz.
    • Extract the .tgz, e.g. cd ~/Downloads && tar xvzf android-sdk*.tgz
    • Set ANDROID_HOME, e.g. export ANDROID_HOME=~/Downloads/android-sdk-linux
  • Install the Android NDK:
    • Open the downloads page.
    • Download the .zip.
    • Extract the .zip, e.g. cd ~/Downloads && tar xvzf android-ndk*.zip
    • Add ndk-build to your PATH, e.g. export PATH=~/Downloads/android-ndk-r13:$PATH

We need to install some Android libraries:

  • Open Android SDK Manager: $ANDROID_HOME/tools/android update sdk
  • Install these libraries:
    • Android 6.0 (API 23)
      • SDK Platform
    • Extras
      • Android Support Repository
      • Google Play services
      • Google Repository

Now, you can build the app with grunt android_debug.


  1. Confirm that your cca package is ready by running node_modules/.bin/cca checkenv from your git clone root directory.
  2. Confirm that ndk-build is in your PATH with which ndk-build.


The built output should be in build/src/android/platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/.

For reals

You'll need the adb tool. On OSX, it's included with the Android SDK; on Linux, try apt-get install android-tools-adb.

  • On your phone, enable USB debugging.
  • Connect your phone to your computer, accepting the connection if necessary.
  • On your computer, upload the app to the phone using a command like adb install -r build/src/android/platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/android-armv7-debug.apk.


You may see an error if uProxy is already installed. If so, try first uninstalling it.


  • Create a virtual device using the Android Virtual Device Manager with an API of 23 (Marshmallow) or higher. Choosing the same architecture as your host system for the CPU/ABI (e.g. x86_64) will result in faster emulation, but obfuscation will fail silently, and in one recent case uProxy wouldn't even start, so you may have to choose ARM and suffer with 10x slower emulation.
  • Launch the emulator and check adb devices at the command line to make sure an emulator is running.
  • Install the app from the command line with e.g. adb install -r build/src/android/platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/android-armv7-debug.apk. You should see success if the app is installed.
  • You may then launch the app from the emulator. If after the uProxy splash screen is shown, you get "Application Error: The connection to the server was unsuccessful. (file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cordova-plugin-chrome-apps-bootstrap/chromeapp.html)", just try opening uProxy again. Apparently there is a race condition that sometimes causes this error.


You can remotely debug the uProxy instance running on your Android device using the Chrome Developer Tools on your desktop Chrome. Just go to chrome://inspect in Chrome, and click the "inspect" link corresponding to the uProxy app on your connected Android device:



Creating a Play Store release build

Android app release builds must be signed. To create a release build:

  1. Get the appropriate play_store_keys.p12 and files and symlink them into a keys directory in the git repo's root.
  • The uProxy team's release keys are stored in a secure location, not in the public git repository. Symlinking ensures that you do not accidentally copy the keys into insecure storage.
  1. Run grunt android_release
  2. From the build/src/android/platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/ directory, upload android-armv7-release.apk to the Play Store.