Up to date(31/01/2022):
In the generation
folder there are two main scripts to generate with full sim given the WLLJJ_WToLNu_EWK
You are encouraged to use them because of pathces and checks automatically inserted.
Instructions on how to generate a private sample using crab in CMSSW
- LHE are available
- premixed library is available
Prepare to get premix library:
voms-proxy-init -voms cms -rfc
example: /afs/cern.ch/user/g/govoni/myeos/samples/2019_EFT/SSeu/SM_limit/SSeu_SMlimit_results/1441466/SSeu_SMlimit_3/unweighted_events.lhe
This folder allows to generate nanoAOD samples for 2018 year starting from a gridpack.
Open cmsconnect and go to /local-scratch/<username>
git clone https://github.com/UniMiBAnalyses/CMSSWGeneration.git
folder is necessary to save .log .err and .out filesmkdir log
Open wrapper.sh L8 and change - if needed - with the suffix of your gridpack.
gridpack_name="$1_<suffix of your gridpack>_tarball.tar.xz"
- Open submit.jdl L9 and change the first input, that is the absolute path to your gridpack. The name of the process must be replaced by
, for example:
- To make scale and pdf weights available (this will be useful for nuisances at reco level), it is necessary to use CMSSW_10_6_20 sandbox. This means that you can create a CMSSW_10_6_20.tgz and then pass it as an input:
cd Generate2018/input
cmsrel CMSSW_10_6_20
cd CMSSW_10_6_20/src
scram b
cd ../..
tar -zcvf CMSSW_10_6_20.tgz CMSSW_10_6_20
You also need CMSSW_10_2_6.tgz, so let's repeat:
cd Generate2018/input
cmsrel CMSSW_10_2_6
cd CMSSW_10_2_6/src
scram b
cd ../..
tar -zcvf CMSSW_10_2_6.tgz CMSSW_10_2_6
- The list of input files inside
folder should be now:
- SMP-RunIIAutumn18DRPremix-00050_1_cfg.py
- SMP-RunIIAutumn18DRPremix-00050_2_cfg.py
- SMP-RunIIAutumn18MiniAOD-00050_1_cfg.py
- SMP-RunIIAutumn18NanoAODv7-00058_1_cfg.py
- SMP-RunIIFall18wmLHEGS-00062_SM_1_cfg.py or SMP-RunIIFall18wmLHEGS-00062_EFT_1_cfg.py
- CMSSW_10_6_20.tgz
- CMSSW_10_2_6.tgz
Open submit.jdl L9 and change the absolute path of the other 7 input files, for example
One should choose between LHEGS for SM or EFT. The SM version is without dipoleRecoil and it should be used to validate the framework and in order to compare with old DAS samples which do not had this option. For newer sample it should be on, so please use the EFT version, regardless of what you are generating.
Create a folder to save all the nanoAOD files, for example
mkdir output
Open submit.jdl L10 and change the absolute path of your ouput folder (do not change $(proc)/$(proc)_$(Cluster)_$(Step).root
), for example
transfer_output_remaps = "SMP-RunIIAutumn18NanoAODv7-00058.root = /scratch/<username>/CMSSWGeneration/Generate2018/output/$(proc)/$(proc)_$(Cluster)_$(Step).root"
- Open submit.jdl L3 to change the number of events you want for each .root file.
arguments = $(proc) <number of events>
- Open submit.sh L2 to change the number of .root files you want.
sed -i "12s/.*/Queue <number of .root files> proc in ($1)/g" submit.jdl
If your output folder has a different name, change also L3
mkdir -p <your output folder>/$1
Now everything is ready, you just need to run
./submit.sh <name of your process>
where the name of the process is the one that appears in the gridpack.
The generation can last a few days, you can see its evolution using
Example of outputs for 2017 production
From the name of the sample:
Get the different steps (backward) in the generation:
Produce (from RunTheMatrix):
# in: /afs/cern.ch/work/a/amassiro/ECAL/SIM/ToRebase/CMSSW_11_0_X_2019-10-06-2300/src dryRun for 'cd 250202.172_TTbar_13UP17+TTbar_13UP17+DIGIPRMXUP17_PU25_RD+RECOPRMXUP17_PU25+HARVESTUP17_PU25
cmsDriver.py TTbar_13TeV_TuneCUETP8M1_cfi --conditions auto:phase1_2017_realistic -n 10 --era Run2_2017 --eventcontent FEVTDEBUG --relval 9000,50 -s GEN,SIM --datatier GEN-SIM --beamspot Realistic25ns13TeVEarly2017Collision --io TTbar_13UP17.io --python TTbar_13UP17.py --fileout file:step1.root --nThreads 8 > step1_TTbar_13UP17+TTbar_13UP17+DIGIPRMXUP17_PU25_RD+RECOPRMXUP17_PU25+HARVESTUP17_PU25.log 2>&1
# in: /afs/cern.ch/work/a/amassiro/ECAL/SIM/ToRebase/CMSSW_11_0_X_2019-10-06-2300/src dryRun for 'cd 250202.172_TTbar_13UP17+TTbar_13UP17+DIGIPRMXUP17_PU25_RD+RECOPRMXUP17_PU25+HARVESTUP17_PU25
cmsDriver.py step2 --datamix PreMix --conditions auto:phase1_2017_realistic --pileup_input das:/RelValPREMIXUP17_PU25/CMSSW_10_6_0-PU25ns_106X_mc2017_realistic_v3-v1/PREMIX --era Run2_2017 --procModifiers premix_stage2 -s DIGI:pdigi_valid,DATAMIX,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:@relval2017 --datatier GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW-HLTDEBUG --eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT --io DIGIPRMXUP17_PU25_RD.io --python DIGIPRMXUP17_PU25_RD.py -n 100 --filein file:step1.root --fileout file:step2.root --nThreads 8 > step2_TTbar_13UP17+TTbar_13UP17+DIGIPRMXUP17_PU25_RD+RECOPRMXUP17_PU25+HARVESTUP17_PU25.log 2>&1
# in: /afs/cern.ch/work/a/amassiro/ECAL/SIM/ToRebase/CMSSW_11_0_X_2019-10-06-2300/src dryRun for 'cd 250202.172_TTbar_13UP17+TTbar_13UP17+DIGIPRMXUP17_PU25_RD+RECOPRMXUP17_PU25+HARVESTUP17_PU25
cmsDriver.py step3 --conditions auto:phase1_2017_realistic -n 10 --era Run2_2017 --eventcontent RECOSIM,MINIAODSIM,DQM --runUnscheduled --procModifiers premix_stage2 -s RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,RECOSIM,EI,PAT,VALIDATION:@standardValidationNoHLT+@miniAODValidation,DQM:@standardDQMFakeHLT+@miniAODDQM --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO,MINIAODSIM,DQMIO --io RECOPRMXUP17_PU25.io --python RECOPRMXUP17_PU25.py --filein file:step2.root --fileout file:step3.root --nThreads 8 > step3_TTbar_13UP17+TTbar_13UP17+DIGIPRMXUP17_PU25_RD+RECOPRMXUP17_PU25+HARVESTUP17_PU25.log 2>&1
# in: /afs/cern.ch/work/a/amassiro/ECAL/SIM/ToRebase/CMSSW_11_0_X_2019-10-06-2300/src dryRun for 'cd 250202.172_TTbar_13UP17+TTbar_13UP17+DIGIPRMXUP17_PU25_RD+RECOPRMXUP17_PU25+HARVESTUP17_PU25
cmsDriver.py step4 --conditions auto:phase1_2017_realistic -s HARVESTING:@standardValidationNoHLT+@standardDQMFakeHLT+@miniAODValidation+@miniAODDQM --filetype DQM --geometry DB:Extended --era Run2_2017 --mc --io HARVESTUP17_PU25.io --python HARVESTUP17_PU25.py -n 100 --filein file:step3_inDQM.root --fileout file:step4.root > step4_TTbar_13UP17+TTbar_13UP17+DIGIPRMXUP17_PU25_RD+RECOPRMXUP17_PU25+HARVESTUP17_PU25.log 2>&1
In order to generate gradpacks for the LHE production stage one can take inspiration from https://github.com/GiacomoBoldrini/cmsgen . The repo contains cards to produce gridpacks for inclusive WW with EFT contributions via SMEFTsim madgraph model. The ReadMe describes the steps to produce gridpacks for the UL2020 campaign. For different campaigns or production one should carefully choose which branch of the genproduction to clone (UL2019 branch has mg 261 while master branch, as of 28/01/2020, has mg 265).