Command based scriptable build pipeline for Unity 3D
Odin Inspector or Tri-Inspector recommended to usage with this Package ( |
Add to your project manifiest by path [%UnityProject%]/Packages/manifiest.json these lines:
"dependencies": {
"com.unigame.unibuildpipeline": "",
"com.unigame.coremodules": "",
"com.cysharp.unitask" : "",
All Build menu items auto-generated by your build configurations
All exists build pipeline configurations window
Auto generated content stored in: "Assets\UniGame.Generated\UniBuild\Editor"
All Cloud methods auto-generated by your build configurations files
git branch value of build: -gitBranch:develop
unity build options - **-buildOptions:Development,AutoRunPlayer,CleanBuildCache**
allow to setup application bundle version shared between iOS & Android platforms. -bundleVersion:"0.0.1"
CI build number: -buildnumber:1000
Output artifact file name: -outputFileName:demo.exe
Output folder location: -outputFolder:Builds
setup PlayerSettings.applicationIdentifier. -bundleId:""
Unity Build Target value from BuildTarget enum
BuildTargetGroup enum value
Values from Mono2x, IL2CPP
value from: Custom, UnityCloudBuild; Custom by default
enable development build mode
enable profiler connect on launch
activate deep profiling
allow to debug scripts
Custom build console arguments can be handled in pipeline commands and obtained through the API available to each command.
Demo Arguments Command
public class DemoBuildCommand : SerializableBuildCommand
public string demoIntArgument = "-demoIntValue";
public string demoBoolArgument = "-demoBoolValue";
public string demoEnumArgument = "-demoEnumValue";
public int defaultIntValue = 100;
public override void Execute(IUniBuilderConfiguration buildParameters)
var arguments = buildParameters.Arguments;
var intExists = arguments
.GetIntValue(demoIntArgument,out var argumentIntValue, defaultIntValue);
var boolExists = arguments
.GetBoolValue(demoBoolArgument,out var boolValue, false);
var enumExists = arguments
.GetEnumValue(demoEnumArgument,typeof(DemoArgEnum),out DemoArgEnum enumValue);
//set value of argument all other commands after this will use this value
arguments.SetValue(demoIntArgument, argumentIntValue.ToString());
public enum DemoArgEnum
public interface IUniBuilderConfiguration
/// <summary>
/// Allow to use local argument data between build steps
/// </summary>
IArgumentsProvider Arguments { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Current Unity build parameters
/// </summary>
BuildParameters BuildParameters { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Build report data, use only after build process
/// </summary>
BuildReport BuildReport { get; set; }
ArgumentsProvider API
public interface IArgumentsProvider
List<string> SourceArguments { get; }
IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> Arguments { get; }
string EvaluateValue(string expression);
void SetArgument(string key, string value);
void SetValue(string key, string value);
bool GetIntValue(string name, out int result, int defaultValue = 0);
bool GetBoolValue(string name, out bool result, bool defaultValue = false);
bool Contains(string name);
bool GetEnumValue<TEnum>(string parameterName,out TEnum result) where TEnum : struct;
bool GetEnumValue<TEnum>(string parameterName,Type enumType, out TEnum result) where TEnum : struct;
bool GetStringValue(string name, out string result,string defaultValue = "");
All build commands realize common API:
- IUnityBuildCommand
For simplification, you can implement one of the ready-made templates:
- SerializableBuildCommand
- UnityBuildCommand (Scriptable Object Template)
You can create your own command with two ways:
- Unity ScriptableObject command
In that case inherit your SO from - UnityBuildCommand . Scriptable Object Commands can be helpful when you want to share command between different pipelines and modify command parameters from single source
- Serializable Regular C# class
If you choose this way, then just realise Interface API - IUnityBuildCommand , no addition actions required
Some "ready to use" commands can be found at "UniGame Build Commands" package
- AddressableImporter Package commands (
- Unity Addressables Commands (FTP upload support, Rebuild e.t.c)
- WebRequests Commands
- Folder & File commands
- FTP commands