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Free Rent (it's called 'sharing') Application Among Neighbours [Decentrilized] platform.


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pdm-managed Black code style Imports: isort Ruff

Free Rent (it's called 'sharing') Application Among Neighbours [Decentralized] platform. Is a stuff sharing platform (aka social network).

Development Prerequisites

  1. Install PDM.
  2. Install PDM dependencies, pdm install --dev
  3. "Deploy" pre-commit:
    • pre-commit install
    • pre-commit run
  4. Add pdm-autoexport so that dependencies changes would be automatically exported onto the requirements/*.txt.
    • pdm plugin add pdm-autoexport
  5. Add all the environment variables in your .env (should be in the project's root).

Planned Features

Check the roadmap!

Used Instruments

To better understand the project, check a list of used instruments and libraries. Some points also have commentaries about the reasoning behind a tool. You will also find a tool's license in the brackets.

Main Parts

  • Python 3.11 (PSF) — cool and modern version
  • FastAPI (MIT) — REST API; roughly, Starlette + Pydantic
    • FastAPI Users (MIT) — authentication and authorisation
    • ORJSON (Apache 2.0, MIT) — faster JSON processing
    • Jinja2 (BSD 3-Clause) — for HTML templating, i.e., dead simple front-end
  • uvicorn (BSD 3-Clause) + gunicorn (MIT) — ASGI + WSGI HTTP servers
  • PostgreSQL (PostgreSQL) — DB
  • SQLAlchemy 1.4 (MIT) + Alembic (MIT) — ORM and migrations tool
    • kind of a world standard choice, useful to get into
    • SQLAlchemy Core can also be used to high-performance operations (e.g., to bulk_update 400K rows in a single transaction)
    • v. 1.4 was chosen [over v. 2.0] because SQLModel doesn't really support v. 2.0 yet (there is a pull request)

Code Quality

  • pre-commit (MIT) — git hooks to disallow commits with low code quality
  • black (MIT) — automatic code formatter
  • isort (MIT) — imports sorting utility
  • mypy (MIT) — static type checker
  • Ruff (MIT) — a vast code quality tool, Flake8 (and its plugins) super-performant alternative

CI/CD, management, extras

  • PDM — package manager, sophisticated enough to fulfil the most (if not all) our needs
  • Docker + docker compose (V2) — deployment
  • pytest — integration and unit-testing

File Structure

You've probably already guessed what's the project about and how it can be structured. Yet, to get into the project easier, let's go through the most important parts...


  • pyproject.toml is the starting point of FRAAND. It's where all the project's metadata is stored, according to PEP-621.
  • Most of the configuration files are also in the root. Such as:
  • Dockerfile — Docker image build instructions.
  • — is responsible for local development deployment.
  • docs/ — self-explanatory, documentation.
  • alembic/ — Alembic migrations directory.
    • versions/ — actual migration files.
  • requirements/ — here you can find dead simple .txt requirements for different environments (dev, stage, production).
  • scripts/ — a great place to put a standalone script if you want to execute it outside the FRAAND Core logic (and it's too small for a separate microservice).

Source Code

  • src/fraand_core/ — all the actual FRAAND platform's code is located here.
    • domains/ — all the logical parts of the platform. Each domain might have:
      • — FastAPI Depends() methods.
      • models/ — this domain's ORM models.
      • schemas/ — Pydantic schemas for endpoints/models.
      • exceptions/ — custom domain's exceptions.
      • constants/ — a place to put your static data such as constants or function maps.
      • serivce/ — all the business logic functionality.
      • router/ — [WIP] domain's endpoints composed into an APIRouter.
      • utils/ — [WIP] any utility that doesn't necessary a part of the domain but is used only here.
    • models/ — ORM models used by some (2..N) domains.
    • crud/ — [WIP] a base class for ORM CRUD-managers.
    • routers/ — [WIP] a single point to have all the
    • utils/ — general utility functionality.

(*) — [WIP] directories are likely to be reworked soon enough.


This project uses the GPLv3 license. Please see the LICENSE for details.


Free Rent (it's called 'sharing') Application Among Neighbours [Decentrilized] platform.



Unknown, GPL-3.0 licenses found

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No packages published

Contributors 4
