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Dominique Lasserre edited this page Sep 2, 2013 · 1 revision

Guanako's central class is Guanako.project, which provides completion proposals based on included files and packages.

Basic procedure

Initiate Guanako:

  1. Create your instance of Guanako.Project.
  2. Add all source files to the project (using add_source_file_by_name (..)).
  3. Add all required Vala packages (using add_packages (..)).
  4. Call update to initially build completion information.

Then, you can retrieve your completion proposals (using propose_symbols (..)). Every time the user changes the file, call update_file (..) and pass the new content so Guanako stays up to date.

Managing source files and packages

  • Adds source_file to the project. You have to call update() yourself afterwards.
void add_source_file_by_name (string filename)
  • Removes an included SourceFile from the project, then updates Guanako.
void remove_file (SourceFile file)
  • Returns all currently included source files.
SourceFile[] get_source_files()
  • Adds all Vala packages in package_names as references to the project. Return missing packages. If auto_update is true update Guanako.
string[] add_packages (string[] package_names, bool auto_update)
  • Removes the Vala package package_name from the project's references.
void remove_package (string package_name)
  • Updates completion info of the entire project; where possible, use the faster update_file (..) method.
void update()

Retrieving completion proposals

  • Returns completion proposals for a given position inside the code as a HashSet of Vala.Symbol's. The position is specified by file (the current source file), line and col (cursor position inside the file by line and column).
Gee.HashSet<Symbol>? propose_symbols (SourceFile file, int line, int col, string written)
  • Returns symbols accessible from a given position in the code.
Symbol[] get_accessible_symbols (SourceFile file, int line, int col)
  • Returns the symbol found at a given position in the code.
Symbol? get_symbol_at_pos (SourceFile source_file, int line, int col)
  • Helper function that returns all packages the given packages depend on.
string[] get_package_dependencies (string[] package_names)
  • If a file has been changed, call this function to update completion info of a given source file. Pass the file's altered content as new_content.
void update_file (Vala.SourceFile file, string? new_content = null)

Separate Installation

To install Guanako without Valama you only need guanako/ subdirectory and place cmake/ directory right into it (and you can use fancy git sparsecheckout (requires git >= 1.7.0)):

git clone git://
cd valama
git config core.sparsecheckout true           # only required for sparsecheckout
echo cmake >> .git/info/sparse-checkout       # only required for sparsecheckout
echo guanako >> .git/info/sparse-checkout     # only required for sparsecheckout
cd guanako
ln -s ../cmake cmake
echo guanako/cmake >> ../.git/info/exclude
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j2

Then install it with root permissions:

make install


  • cmake (>= 2.8.5)
  • valac (>= 0.17)
  • pkg-config
  • gobject-2.0
  • glib-2.0
  • gee-0.8
  • libvala-0.22 (recommended) or libvala-0.20 or libvala-0.18
  • gtk+-3.0