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	Divisor shows you how much each item in a stack costs at the auction house.&nbsp; 
	For example, if there were 5 crystallized fire available for a 12g 50s buyout, 
	Divisor would inform you that each crystallized fire would cost you 2g 50s, and 
	that 10 of them would cost you 25g.</p>
	Installing Divisor</h2>
	Divisor is installed like pretty much every other World of Warcraft mod on the 
	planet.&nbsp; Extract the contents of the zip file to your Add-ons folder, 
	generally located here:</p>
<p class="codeblock">
	<code>C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons</code></p>
<h2>Trying out Divisor</h2>
<p>To try out Divisor, visit an auction house, and search for something that&#39;s 
typically sold in stacks.&nbsp; For example, try searching for &quot;healing potion&quot;.&nbsp; 
Then, hover over the price of any stack of healing potions (more than one).&nbsp; 
Divisor will tell you the per-unit cost in a tooltip on the right.&nbsp; There&#39;s 
nothing you need to do to turn on Divisor or configure it; when it&#39;s installed, 
it&#39;s working.</p>
<p>The numbers you see may occasionally be a little different from what you&#39;re 
expecting.&nbsp; The most likely cause for this is that Divisor automatically 
factors the minimum bid increment into the calculations.&nbsp; Take this 
example: Let&#39;s say there are 2 Arcane Tomes for sale, at a price of 28g 1s, or 
29g buyout.&nbsp; You may initially expect Divisor to tell you that the 
bid for 1 would be 14g 50c, since that&#39;s half of 28g 1s.&nbsp; However, someone 
has already bid the minimum on these, so you&#39;d have to increase the bid to at 
least 29g 41s, 5% more than the current price.&nbsp; That&#39;s more than the 
buyout.&nbsp; So, Divisor doesn&#39;t even display a minimum bid amount, and just 
displays &quot;Buyout 15g 50s&quot;.&nbsp; Since you probably installed Divisor to help 
you get better deals on odd-sized stacks of items, it&#39;s showing you the exact 
per-unit amount it would cost you to either bid the least amount possible, or 
buy the item outright.</p>
<p>Certain items are mostly useful in stacks.&nbsp; This includes the various 
primal motes (Mote of Fire), enchanting lesser essences (Lesser Astral Essence), 
and rep items (Sanguine Hibiscus).&nbsp; For some of these items, in addition to 
the single item price, Divisor will tell you the cost to buy a stack of them.&nbsp; 
The stack size depends on the item—enchanting essences &quot;stack&quot; to 3 (even though 
a stack technically holds more than 3), motes &quot;stack&quot; to 10, since that&#39;s how 
many it takes to make a primal, and so forth.</p>
<h2>Slash commands</h2>
<p>Divisor supports a few slash commands that you can type into chat to 
customize Divisor.</p>
<h3>Adding a new item to be stacked</h3>
<p>Divisor automatically gives you individual prices for all items in the 
auction house, and stacked prices for certain items.&nbsp; For example, if 
someone were selling 3 Mote of Fire, Divisor would show you the price for 1 Mote 
of Fire, as well as 10 Mote of Fire.&nbsp; If you want to add your own items for 
Divisor to show stack prices, you can use the /divisor stack command.</p>
<p class="codeblock">
	<code>/divisor stack <i>number [item]<br />
	</i>/divisor stack 20 [Netherweave Cloth]<br />
	/divisor stack 20 Silk Cloth</code></p>
	<li>The stack size must be at least 2.&nbsp; (Divisor always shows you 
	prices for individual items.)</li>
	<li>The item can either be simply the name of an item, or an item link that 
	you&#39;ve shift-clicked.&nbsp; In the above example, you could get Divisor to 
	show you prices of Netherweave in stacks of 20 if you typed &quot;/divisor stack 
	20&quot; and then shift-clicked on a stack of Netherweave.</li>
	<li>If you already have a stack size set for that item, using the command 
	again will change the stack size to the new one.</li>
<h3>Removing stacking for an item</h3>
<p>You can undo the effects of the /divisor stack command by using the /divisor 
unstack command.</p>
<p class="codeblock">
	<code>/divisor unstack <i>[item]<br />
	</i>/divisor unstack [Netherweave Cloth]<br />
	/divisor unstack Silk Cloth</code></p>
	<li>Rules for what&#39;s allowed for the item name are exactly as in the 
	/divisor stack command.</li>
	<li>You can also use this to remove stacking for items that came 
	pre-stacked.&nbsp; For example, you could use this command on Mote of Fire, 
	which Divisor stacks to 10 by default.</li>
<h3>Resetting all Divisor options</h3>
<p>If you&#39;ve really screwed up and want to go back to the default Divisor 
options, you can use /divisor reset.</p>
<p class="codeblock">
	<code>/divisor reset</code></p>
	<li>This deletes all of your custom stack sizes.&nbsp; You&#39;ll need to 
	reenter them all again if you reset your Divisor options.</li>
<h3>Listing all of your stack sizes</h3>
<p>You can see all of the stack sizes you have set (as well as all of the ones 
that came with Divisor) using the /divisor list stacks command.</p>
<p class="codeblock">
	<code>/divisor list stacks</code></p>
<h3>Contacting the author</h3>
<p>I welcome your feedback.&nbsp; The best way to contact me is through the
Divisor page on
<a href="" target="_blank">
Curse</a>, or on <a href="">Facebook</a>.&nbsp; 
Also, check out my
<a target="_blank" href="">official site</a>, with links 
to my other mods.</p>
<h3>Reporting bugs</h3>
<p>When reporting bugs, it&#39;s helpful to be as specific as possible.&nbsp; By 
default, WoW hides mod error information from you.&nbsp; Enabling &quot;Show Lua 
Errors&quot; in 
Interface Options would 
be helpful; the error text includes useful information about where the error 
occurred.&nbsp; Installing a mod like <a href="" target="_blank">Swatter</a>
can provide even more useful error information that can help Vger track down the bug.</p>
<h2>Known problems</h2>
	<li>Divisor does not work properly with Auctioneer when Compact UI is 
	enabled (the default).&nbsp; It&#39;s not really 
	useful if you have Auctioneer anyway.</li>
	<li><i>See the &quot;future versions&quot; section 
for things that aren&#39;t necessarily bugs but I might improve someday.</i></li>
<h2>Release history</h2>
<h3>Version 1.1.8</h3>
	<li><b>With the new auction house in WoW 8.3, this addon no longer has any 
	purpose on retail, and I recommend uninstalling it.</b>&nbsp; But, it's 
	still useful on WoW Classic, so I'll leave it available for download.</li>
	<li>Fixed a bug where Divisor prevented battle pet tooltips from appearing.</li>
<h3>Version 1.1.7</h3>
	<li>Gold amounts greater than 999 will now appear with thousandths 
	separators in locales that use them.&nbsp; (For example, in English, 
<h3>Version 1.1.6</h3>
	<li>Fixed a bug where Divisor's tooltip didn't respect the UI Scale setting.</li>
<h3>Version 1.1.5</h3>
	<li>Updated for patch 4.3.</li>
<h3>Version 1.1.4</h3>
	<li>Updated for Cataclysm.&nbsp; Use &quot;/divisor reset&quot; to get new stack sizes 
	for Cataclysm enchanting materials if you&#39;ve used Divisor in the past.</li>
<h3>Version 1.1.3</h3>
	<li>Fixed a problem that started occurring in a recent patch where after 
	using the auction house, action bars would sometimes stop working.&nbsp; 
<h3>Version 1.1.2</h3>
	<li>Fixed a bug where crazy-negative values would show up for already-sold 
	items on the auctions tab.</li>
	<li>Fixed a bug where the Divisor tooltip wouldn&#39;t disappear if you moved 
	your mouse off an auction item to the left.</li>
<h3>Version 1.1.1</h3>
	<li>Fixed a bug where the last item on the Bid and Auction tabs wouldn&#39;t get 
	a Divisor tooltip.&nbsp; (Browse only shows 8 items; the other two tabs show 
	9, but only the top 8 would get a Divisor tooltip.)</li>
<h3>Version 1.1</h3>
	<li>Updated for patch 3.0.</li>
	<li>Now works on all three tabs (Browse, Bid, Auctions).</li>
	<li>Added various Northrend items (Crystallized Life, Lesser Cosmic Essence, 
	...) to the list of items that Divisor will automatically show stack prices 
	for, but to get them, you must use &quot;/divisor reset&quot; and clear out any custom 
	stacks that you may have set, if any.</li>
	<li>Divisor now uses icons for gold, silver, and copper instead 
	of the letters g, s, and c respectively.</li>
	<li>Divisor now has an entry in Interface Options in case you forget how to 
	type &quot;/divisor&quot;.</li>
	<li>Divisor&#39;s tooltip now also appears if you hover over the item&#39;s icon or 
	the time remaining display.</li>
	<li>Divisor disables the built-in Blizzard auction UI price per item 
	<li>Removed the &quot;Divisor is loaded&quot; message that was shown upon logging in.</li>
<h3>Version 1.0.1</h3>
	<li>Added more stacked items.</li>
	<li>Now displays a more readable error message when the embedded mod 
	VgerCore is missing or failed to load.</li>
<h3>Version 1.0</h3>
	<li>Divisor is now at version 1.0!&nbsp; It includes VgerCore 1.0 embedded 
	in the mod, so you don&#39;t need a separate VgerCore folder in your AddOns 
<h3>Version 0.2</h3>
	<li>Added Divisor slash commands, and the ability to set custom stack sizes 
	for any item you like.</li>
<h3>Version 0.1.3</h3>
	<li>More rep items added.</li>
<h3>Version 0.1.2</h3>
	<li>More reputation-only items were added, such as Savage Frond, to the list 
	of items that will show both single prices and stack prices.</li>
<h3>Version 0.1.1</h3>
	<li>Divisor now gives you stack prices for a small selection of items, such 
	as motes and lesser enchanting essences, as well as the single item prices.</li>
	<li>When you hover over an item that you&#39;re currently winning, Divisor now 
	shows &quot;Your bid&quot; instead of &quot;Minimum bid&quot; and doesn&#39;t factor in the minimum 
	<li>The /divisor slash command works now.&nbsp; It doesn&#39;t do anything other 
	than tell you to read the readme, but someday it will be more useful, and it 
	won&#39;t give you an error anymore.</li>
	<li>Divisor will now properly check the version of VgerCore that you have 
	installed.&nbsp; Currently, 0.4.1 is required.</li>
<h3>Version 0.1</h3>
	<li>First release of Divisor.</li>
<h2>Future versions</h2>
	<li>I'm considering adding an option to turn off the feature that hides values from the tooltip
	when they're the same stack size as the item for sale.  For example, when 1 mote of fire is sold,
	the tooltip only shows the prices for 10 motes of fire, instead of both 1 and 10, which is what you
	see if you hover over 5 of them.  Some people might find this distracting.&nbsp; 
	(However, nobody&#39;s really complained yet.)</li>
<h2>The fine print</h2>
<p>© 2007-2022 Travis Spomer.&nbsp; This mod is released under the Creative Commons
<a href="" target="_blank">
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0</a> license.&nbsp; In short, this means 
that you can use it, copy it, and share it, but you can't sell it or distribute 
your own altered versions without permission.  By using the mod you agree to the terms of the license.  For more information, click the link.</p>
