curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
git clone
cd circom
cargo build --release
cargo install --path circom
circom --help
npm install -g snarkjs
pragma circom 2.0.0;
template Multiplier() {
signal input _a;
signal input _b;
signal output _c;
_c <== _a*_b;
component main = Multiplier();
Store this in file called multiplier.circom
Lets compile this code
circom multiplier.circom --r1cs --wasm --sym --c -o build
Here, we are compiling our circuit code into to
- Rank 1 Constraint system for constraints
- wasm to generate the witness file
, - Outputting all these in
- Make sure to create
folder in root directory before running this command- The set of constraints describing the circuit is called rank-1 constraint system (R1CS). In general, circuits will > have several constraints (typically, one per multiplicative gate). Constraint must be quadratic, linear or constant > equations
Create a file called withness.json
cd build/multiplier_js
node generate_witness.js multiplier.wasm ../../input.json ../witness.wtns
What we have so far...
- We have
file that contains the constraints describing the circuit - We have
file that contains all the computed signals
Now we are ready to calcualte the proof (zk):
For that we will use snarkjs...
So what do we want to proof ?
We would be able to prove that we know factors of 33 (
) without revealing those numbers say_a
SnarkJs uses Groth16 zk-Snark protocol.
We still have some work left before generating the proof.
To use Groth16, it requires a per-circuit trusted setup. This trusted setup consists of 2 parts:
- The powers of tau, which is independent of circuit
- The pahase 2, which depends on the circuit
Start new power of tau ceremony:
snarkjs powersoftau new bn128 12 pot12_0000.ptau -v
The we contribute to the ceremony
snarkjs powersoftau contribute pot12_0000.ptau pot12_0001.ptau --name="First contribution" -v
Note: Need to explain power of tau in better way
This is going to 1 time (I believe)
snarkjs powersoftau prepare phase2 pot12_0001.ptau pot12_final.ptau -v
we generate a .zkey file that will contain the proving and verification keys together
cd build/multiplier_js
snarkjs groth16 setup ../multiplier.r1cs ../../pot12_final.ptau ../multiplier_0000.zkey
Contribute to the phase 2 of the ceremony
snarkjs zkey contribute ../multiplier_0000.zkey ../multiplier_0001.zkey --name="1st Contributor Name" -v
Export the verification key
snarkjs zkey export verificationkey ../multiplier_0001.zkey ../verification_key.json
Once the witness is computed and the trusted setup is already executed, we can generate a zk-proof associated to the circuit and the witness
cd build
snarkjs groth16 prove multiplier_0001.zkey witness.wtns proof.json public.json
cd build
snarkjs groth16 verify verification_key.json public.json proof.json
snarkjs zkey export solidityverifier multiplier_0001.zkey verifier.sol
This is one time procedure